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    A buzz, buzz coming from my phone woke me up. It was 11:56, why wasn't I up yet?

  The text was from Alex. 'So I was thinking we could just go down to the bar tonight, yeah?' So he finally figured out what he wanted to do for his birthday. We were trying to get him to figure it out yesterday, but didn't have any luck.

  '1) yeah, that's cool 2) happy birthday knob head :)))' I texted back. 'Thank' was all he replied with. ...Has Alex been on Tumblr? That sounds like Tumblr language.

  I rolled out of bed with a groan; that hospital chair was still haunting me. I texted Alex again, 'pick you up @ 7?' He answered almost immediately. 'Sounds good, see you later m8'

  Okay, Al definitely had been on some kind of social media. That, or he's been inspired by Avril Lavigne...

  I decided I might as well take a shower so I didn't smell like hospital café salads. I also needed to get to a store because I needed summat for Alex.

  2 hours later, I was bored waiting around until 7:00. I was getting tired of reality TV shows, as they all had the same plot and catty women.  I reluctantly decided that my only choice was to wash the heaping pile of dishes sitting in the sink...ugh.

  Soon, it was 6:30, and I was getting ready to leave. I made sure I had everything - keys, money, I.D., wallet - and, a little too excitedly, went out to the car.

  When I got there, Alex, Matt, and Nick were already there. Jamie was usually at least 10 minutes late to everything, so nobody questioned that. I handed Alex my gift, which was a David Bowie record. He looked up excitedly. "Mi! This the one I've been looking for!" "I know," I laughed, "It's not like you mention it 12 times a week!"

  "So 5 drinks, yeah?" Nick asked. "Nah, I'll have a Coke. I'm serving as the 'designated driver'," I explained, laughing. "Alright, I'll be back."

  An hour into Alex's birthday bash, he was already suitably tipsy. Well, a bit more than tipsy. Yeah, he was drunk. It was his birthday, after all.

  Nick, Jamie, and Matt were all pretty tipsy, too. Have fun taking care of 4 hangovers tomorrow, I told myself. Everyone was laughing, dancing, and generally having a good time. I was too, joking about with my friends.

  Alex stopped talking when an Oasis song came on. I laughed, it was Wonderwall. Of course, we all yelled, "ANYWAY, HERE'S WONDERWALL!" In unison. Al looked at me. "Dance with me, Mi!" He said sloppily. I gave in. Alex pulled me to him and grabbed my hands. It felt nice; his hands were warm. He swayed us around, and we were dancing like kids.

  When the song ended, some slow song came on. Odd song to play in a bar, if I do say so myself. Without a word, Alex pulled me closer and put his arms on my shoulders. Jamie whistled from behind us. "Slow dancing? Gettin' intimate, aren't ya?" He joked. I flipped him of and put my arms around Al.

  We kinda just swayed back and forth sloppily, Alex stumbling occasionally and me stepping on his feet a few times. There was a lot of giggling, and Al kissed me on the cheek around 8 times. Drunk Alex was affectionate Alex, no matter who he was with.

  It was now 2 in the morning, and I was tired as hell and everyone else was drunk as hell. What a great mix. I herded the four guys to my car and tried to get them to agree on a radio station. It was like taking care of toddlers. I wasn't about to make 3 stops in the middle of the night, so I just drove everyone to my flat.

  "So, uh, you guys just make yourselves at home, find somewhere to sleep, it doesn't really matter where. Just, please don't make too big of a mess," I explained as we walked in. Nick went straight for the sofa and was out like a light, while Jamie went into the kitchen and got some snacks out of the pantry. Typical Jamie.

  Matt sloppily took the couch cushions from under Nick and put them on the floor to make a pallet to sleep on. For drunk guys, they were pretty sufficient.

  "Miiiiles, can I pretty please sleep with youuuuu?" Alex slurred. "Uh, yeah, that's fine," I told him. He cheered and ran to my room. "My only request is that you don't take up all the blankets," I told him, quite seriously. "Mhm... Love ya, Miles, goodnight..." Alex mumbled, falling asleep instantly. I laughed. "I love you too, Alex." I said as I turned off the lights and climbed into bed next to Alex.


  When I woke up, Alex was still sleeping. From all the snoring coming from the living room, I guessed everyone else was too. I got up quietly and fixed something to eat. The boys still never woke up.

  Looking through the pantry, and all the trash on my coffee table, I found that Jamie ate almost everything I owned. Dammit. I had to go to the store.

  I set out a bottle of asprin, some water, and a note that said:

  Went to the store. Fuck you Jamie for eating all my food. Be back soon, take medicine. Don't cause trouble


  I snuck out the door and went on my way.

((Lmao I hope this is good, I tried to make it kinda funny. Smh, Jamie.))

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