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  Walking into the hospital waiting room seemed like a nightmare. I saw Matt, along with Nick and Jamie, sitting along the wall. I joined them; none of us said anything. Jamie went to get us some waters, and when he came back, he tried to start a conversation.

  "So, uh, I heard you and Al were writin' for The Last Shadow Puppets, yeah?" "Yeah, we are." I said quietly. There was a horrible feeling in my stomach, a mixture of fear and confusion; I felt sick. I got up to go to the counter. "Um, excuse me? Is there any news about Alex Turner?" I asked a nurse. "No, sorry. We'll tell you when we get some information," she said politely. I nodded. "Thanks."

  I sat back down and sighed. "What could he 'ave done?" I wondered aloud. Nick shook his head. "He looked like he hadn't slept all night when I found him," Matt told us. I was suddenly grateful that Alex didn't live alone, and that Matt found him. What if someone hadn't found him?

  Another 20 minutes passed without any news about Al, which was getting the 3 of us all worked up and even more nervous. Matt looked like he would fall asleep any second. It was only 9:24, but it felt like we'd been waiting for hours. Finally, a nurse called us over.

  "We have an update on Mr. Turner. He hasn't woken up yet -" My breath hitched - "But his breathing seems fine. The doctors still need to do a couple tests before he can have any visitors, but we'll let you know when he can." She smiled and we thanked her.

  After that, we were all a bit more relaxed. The wait still felt like hell, but soon, a doctor came out with a clipboard. "Are you 3 here to see... Turner, Alex?" He asked, looking at a paper on his clipboard. "Yes, sir," Nick and Matt said together.

  "What are your relations to him? Friends, family..?" The doctor asked. "Friends," Jamie stated. "Very good friends," I added after a second. The doctor, who's name tag read "Dr. Dawson", nodded. "Mr. Turner just woke up. He had passed out most likely from pain; he had a broken collarbone. Says he fell down some wooden stairs," Dr. Dawson said grimly. Nick gasped, and I felt even more sick.

  "Is he allowed any visitors?" I asked. The doctor nodded. "Come with me." He lead us down a hallway to an elevator. I hated elevators. It's for Al, I told myself, and stepped in. We went up to the 3rd floor and into a dimly lit room at the end of a hall.

  Dr. Dawson told us we could go in, and that he would give us some time with him. Matt went in first, followed by Jamie and Nick. I went in last.

  Alex looked...rough, to say the least.. His hair was all matted up, and he looked sleep deprived. He had a strange-looking brace on his front and a bruised bump near his shoulder. "Oh, Al..." I trailed off. "Ello, mates," Alex greeted, grinning. "Alex, you okay? You seem a bit loopy," Nick remarked. "It's the anesthetic," a nurse said from behind us.

  "Who, uh, found me?" Alex asked, dazed. "I did," Matt said. "Alex... Al, are you okay? Does it hurt? How did you even manage to do that?" Questions sort of just fell out of my mouth; I was worried sick. "I'm fine, Mi, I feel fine. As for how...eh, worry about that later," he slurred. His eyelids seemed to be slowly falling over his eyes.

  "Sorry, but it seems like you 3 will have to go," the nurse said. "I-is he okay? Did something happen?" We were all asking questions at the same time. "Relax, boys, it's just the anesthetic," she said, smiling. Matt nodded.

  Then, like any cliche story, the unexpected happened.

  Alex mumbled, "Love ya, Miles..." In his sleep. It was slurred and quiet, but it was clear what he said. I stopped. I went to turn to see him, but we were escorted out the room by the nurse.

  I was blushing like mad. Nick whistled. "I-it was just cause he was under th-the anesthetic," I said, mainly to myself. But I couldn't help but think he meant it. I'm being foolish, I thought.

  "C'mon, Miles, we can all tell ya fancy Al," Matt laughed. I didn't say anything, but I nodded. No use in hiding it.

  "Now, how's about we go get summat to eat?" Jamie said to break the awkwardness off. "Yeah, I'm starving, not havin' an appetite cause I was worryin' about Al!" Nick commented. "Shotgun!" I called, trying to get my mind off of things. "Wait, who's driving?" Nick asked. "I will," Matt answered.

  "Can we get Mexican?" Jamie asked. We all agreed. I still couldn't get my mind off of what Alex had said. I just hoped to God that he didn't forget it or that it wasn't the anesthetic talking.


((Wow! A long chapter? Way to go, me! Anyway, how about that drama?))

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