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  The next day flew by. I was still excited from the night before. I wanted to see Alex again, and I kind if wanted to spend an eternity with him. Damn, I'm cliche, I thought, laughing.

  I got a text from Alex. When my phone buzzed and I saw it was Al, I may have gotten a bit too excited. I almost fell off the sofa. God, I was head over heels for him.

  "So I went thru our songs, and I picked out the ones I thought were the best. Wanna see the list?" The text read. "Definitely," I answered.

  He sent me the list: "Aviation, Miracle Aligner, Dracula Teeth, Everything You've Come To Expect, The Element Of Surprise, Bad Habits, Sweet Dreams, TN, Used To Be My Girl, She Does The Woods, Pattern, The Dream Synopsis, and The Bourne Identity"

  Perfect. I texted him so, and asked when he wanted to start recording. He said he didn't mind when.

  "Can I come over?" He asked, too. "Of course," I answered, getting all smiley again. As if I hadn't stopped.

  He was at my door in minutes. When I opened it, he immediately hugged me. "Well, hello to you too, Love," I laughed. He pulled me over to the sofa and sat down and pulled me into his lap. "Someone's cuddly," I joked, giggling at Alex's actions. He didn't say anything, but just hugged me tighter.

  "You're very cuddle-able," Alex remarked after a few minutes of silence. "Did you need anything, or did you just come to hug me?" I asked. "Nah. Just wanted to see ya," he replied. I nodded. "Perfect. I wanted to see you too."

  We stayed like that for a while, Alex occasionally kissing my head. "Miiii, I'm hungry," Al drawled out. "Then get summat to eat, knob head," I joked. "But I'm comfy and you're kind of sitting of me," He replied. I got up. "C'mon, I'm hungry too," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up off the couch.

  I opened the pantry, and Alex immediately grabbed a banana and opened it. I swear, he did that in, like, 0.5 seconds. "Damn, Al, ya like bananas?" I asked, slightly in awe of his enthusiasm of the fruit. "Hell yeah," he answered with a mouth full of banana. Why was he so cute?

  I grabbed a banana too, and Alex told me, "Mi! Challenge ya to a banana eatin' contest?" "Al, we both know you're gonna win," I whined. He nodded. "Ya got your facts straight, at least." "That's the straightest thing about me," I half-joked. Alex laughed. I loved his laugh.

  After we ended up eating all the bananas and drank half a gallon of milk, Alex started to yawn. "Ya wanna stay the night, Al? It's pretty late," I offered, hoping to god he'd say yes. "Of course," he said, kissing my nose. "You have a very kissable face," he added. I must've blushed, because he laughed.

  Alex took my hand silently and dragged me into my bedroom. Wow, that sounds suggestive; it wasn't in that way. He plopped onto my bed sleepily. "Al, ya want some clothes to sleep in? I don't think jeans are too comfy to sleep in." Alex just nodded. I tossed him one of my t-shirts and a pair of pants.

  "Turn around, Mr. Kane, I'm changing!" He said playfully. I pretended to pout and said, "But Alll, I'm your boyfriend!" In a childish voice. Alex laughed. "I guess I can make an exception..." "I mean, I'm not gonna deliberately watch you change, but okay," I laughed.

  After that, we both kind of just dropped onto the bed. Alex tried to get under the blankets, but I was laying on them, so I got up and pulled them over us. Alex cuddled up to me and, not gonna lie, he looked pretty damn cute when he was sleepy.

  "G'night, Mi. I love you," Al whispered, snuggling into me. "Love you too, Alex."

  It took me ages to fall asleep. I don't know why, but my mind wouldn't shut up about the most random thing. What if a meteor hits my flat? Did I lock the door? Oh my god, I'm sleeping next to Alex. Did I turn the bathroom light off?

  Thankfully, I soon felt myself falling asleep.

  When I woke up, I was sprawled out on my back, with Alex wrapped around me like he was hanging on for dear life. I felt Alex shift, and looked down at him. His head was on my chest, which made trying to look down slightly difficult. That couldn't have been a good angle for him.

  "'Morning, Mi," Alex yawned. "Good morning, Love," I smiled back. "Miles, d'ya think we could start recording by next week? I'm really excited to start," Alex asked. "We won't know until we try. I'll call James later," I said, referring to our producer. Al smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.

  If I ever stop loving this man, call an ambulance, because I will never stop loving him until the day I die.

((Cheesy, crappy, kind-of-short, fluffy chapter? How cliche of me. This is kind of just a filler, anyway.))

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