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  I woke to the feeling of wanting to throw up. I had been friends with Alex for so long, why was I so nervous for a date? For hell's sake, we'd told each other we loved each other quite a few times; that must mean we're more than 'just friends'.

  It was 1:26, quite late for me to sleep. Wait, I thought suddenly, I need to make reservations!

  I looked up restaurants in Sheffield and came across one that was relatively affordable and had a 4 star rating. I called the number, making a reservation for 7:30. My stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies, though, which made it rather hard to concentrate on anything, or relax.

  Deciding that a shower was the best choice when preparing to go on a date with the love of your life, I tried to find something to wear. The restaurant wasn't too fancy, but it certainly wasn't casual. A dark blue button-up caught my eye; that's fancy-ish, right? The only thing I really had that was clean and went with it was a pair of black skinny jeans. Hopefully the restaurant wasn't against scene kid-like attire.

  While in the shower, with half of an arm covered in soap, my mind wandered. Do I ask Alex to be my boyfriend? It's only the first date, but we've been best friends for years. We also kind-of-regularly confess our love for each other...but what if Alex just meant it platonically? What if he didn't mean it?

  I shook my head. My mind always got slightly paranoid in the shower, for some reason. Surely, tonight was gonna be a good night.

  After realizing I stood in the shower for an hour and a half daydreaming, I scrambled out. Didn't wanna waste all the hot water, did I?

  Seeing as I still had almost 4 hours until I had to pick up Al, I called Matt. "Matt, this is urgent. What kind of flowers does Alex like?" I asked as soon as he answered. He laughed. I could hear him call out to Alex, asking him the question. "He likes Plumerias," Matt answered after a couple seconds. "Alright. Thanks, mate." "If Alex doesn't give me every juicy detail, you'd better!" Matt added. I laughed. "Sure, Matthew," I said, hanging up.

  There was a flower shop across the street from my apartment, so I just walked. "A bouquet of Plumerias, please," I told the man at the counter. "Any specific color?" He asked. "Um, blue?" "Alright, they'll be out in a minute."

  With a bunch of flowers in my hand and a mad grin on my face, I had to look slightly suspicious running to the apartment building in dress clothes. 

  I wasted time until around 6:45. I was getting ready to go when I suddenly became very nervous. Typical me. I walked over to the mirror. "Ya got this, Miles," I told myself aloud. "If ya say summat wrong, Al'll probably just laugh at it and move on. Just don't fuck it up."

  Thus, I turned around and went on my way to pick up Alex.

  Alex was looking sharp as hell. His hair was un-gelled, and he had on a plain white button-up and black pants, complete with that mustard-colored jacket. He was such a beautiful person.

  "Good evening, my love," I greeted in a posh voice. "I brought you some flowers," I said, handing them to him. "Thank you, Mr. Kane, they're lovely," he answered, mocking my fake-posh voice. "Shall we?" I offered, and he nodded.

  The queue at the restaurant wasn't too long, thankfully, because I was starving. "Reservation for Kane?" I asked as we got up to the podium-thingy. "Table for 2, right this way," the woman said, leading us to a booth in the back. The table had a few candles on it. Cute.

  "This is nice," Alex complimented, "How did you find this place?" "The power of the internet," I laughed. A waiter came up to the table. "Good evening! I'm Jordan, and I'll be your waiter for the night. Can I start you off with some drinks?" I looked at Alex, and he nodded. We always got the same thing. "Two Dandelion and Burdocks, please."

  "Oh, Al, I came up with a song," I said, starting a conversation. "Ooh, whatcha got?" Alex asked. "It's called 'She Does The Woods'. Also, I think we have about 16 songs written already," I added. Alex smiled. "How 'bout we pick the best ones, yeah? We can start recording in a coupl'a weeks!"

  Throughout the dinner, I was slowly becoming more and more confident. I also noticed Al was wearing eyeliner. He looked damn good in it. To my surprise, I hadn't said anything regrettable, which I was quite thankful for. It was while we were waiting for dessert when I decided to ask.

  I took a breath. "Um, Al, I have a question to ask," I started with. He nodded. "Go on."

  "You know I love you, Alex, god, I'm in love with you," I rambled. Alex was beaming. "So, um, would you, uh, be my boyfriend?"

  Alex didn't say anything at first, and my heart must've stopped. Then he smiled, and said, "Miles, I'm quite deeply in love with you, too." He couldn't keep a grin off his face. "Of course I will, Mi."

  Little confetti bombs and and streamers went off in my mind. We were both smiling like idiots, and kind of just staring at each other. Our dessert came, and I think waiter knew summat intimate was happening, as he set the plates down and didn't say anything.

  We finished and I called for the check. "Alex Turner, you better not offer to pay because this is my treat and you always offer but I refuse to let you this time," I teased, taking out my money.

  Alex took my hand in his while we walked out, and rested his head on my shoulder while I was driving. "Well, that was the best dinner I've had in a while, but it was even better with my boyfriend," Alex whispered. I grinned. Alex was my boyfriend.

  When I dropped him off, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He took my hands and kissed me on the mouth, though, and I couldn't help but smile through it. "GET A ROOM," I heard Matt yell through an open window. Alex flipped him off.

  In the car, I must've pinched myself 50 times. This wasn't a dream. This was real life, and I just had the night of my life with the love of my life.

((Heyyy!!! This one's over 1k words, am I okay? Jk. AnywAY, cute chapter, right? Let the Milex ensue~))

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