1. Halloween

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Taming Klaus

Author's Note - This is the first fan fiction I ever wrote and will finish! It was written for Lisa Mourad, an amazing friend and writer (hence, main character is named after her) I hope you enjoy, please vote, comment, follow and ask questions. It would be very much appreciated :)

I don't own any of the characters that are from The Originals/ The Vampire Diaries. I used some of the backstory/ personalities from the series but the plot is mine (as well as some of the characters) I tried to be as original as possible
, so please give feedback and don't judge the story by it's first chapter, promise it gets better x

{1} Song: 'Human' by Christina Perri

Lisa slipped on her white plastic fangs and scrutinized herself in the mirror. She was a vampire tonight and she looked striking in her gothic costume and make-up. It was perfect for Halloween. She peeked outside her window hardly recognizing half the neighborhood because of their grotesque disguises and all the gravestone decorations. For a split second it was like a watching a scene from a horror movie, a high-pitch scream three houses away added to the effect. It felt hauntingly real until the door bell rang and she could hear their incessant voices from upstairs.

"Trick or treat! Trick or treat! Trick or treat!"

She sighed and walked downstairs briskly with a bucket of hard candy. When she opened the door she was greeted by twin zombies, Snow white, a glow-in-the-dark skeleton and Death holding a very convincing scythe. She offered out handfuls of candy and smiled widely to purposely show off her fangs. When she slammed the door she only had to wait a few seconds before someone rang the door bell again. It was going to be an endless night. As she was emptying out her bucket of candy her phone vibrated in her pocket. She quickly retrieved it and accepted the call.

"Lisa, where are you?" It was Jessica, her cousin slash best friend.

"I'm still stuck at home. I'll be there soon." It's eight o'clock and she still hasn't left for Chace's epic Halloween party yet. Her friends are already there, aching for her arrival but her parents left her in charge of trick or treating. They made it crystal clear that she'll spend the whole weekend, day and night at home while they enjoy themselves at some fancy theater. But everyone has been talking about Chace's party for weeks and she's not missing out.

"Trick or treat!" cheered a group of Disney characters.

"Sorry, ran out of candy." Lisa lied, carefully hiding the bucket of candy from view. The kids moaned and then slowly made their way to the next house. Phew. Lisa grabbed the keys, jumped into the car and drove off, excited.


"I'm going as myself. I'm scary enough." That's a commonly used phrase for those who are still deciding what to wear for Halloween but when you're half werewolf half vampire, you mean it literally. Kol scoffed at his brother Klaus. It was no surprise when they announced that they were going as vampires. Rebekah on the other hand wanted to appeal "provocative" so she went as a playboy bunny. It made everyone in the mansion laugh. Finn and Elijah however had no interest in celebrating Halloween. They reckon it's a day where people mock the existence of vampires with their pathetic costumes and over exaggerated make-up. They are right. But Klaus and Kol being both playful and evil are only out for the after party...the feed. While Rebekah does the honors of crashing Chace's Halloween party, the point of her costume was to attract attention without compulsion, something she's still desperately working on.

"The party shall start at midnight then, brother?" Kol asked with his fangs hungrily digging into his bottom lip.

"It shall." Klaus replied returning the favor. Rebekah rolled her eyes and shouldered pass both of them to her awaiting limo. She's just jealous that the boys didn't invite her to join them, if only she knew that the intention was to deliberately exclude her. Clingy, that's how they described her along with an endless list of adjectives.

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