16. Defiance

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Song: 'Bang Bang' by Will.I.Am (The Great Gatsby)

There's a dark presence in the sanctuary yet again. Dakota ignored it, she has had enough of Esther's wandering spirit and is opening the books to find something that could eliminate her. Cecilia has an hourglass in her hands, she's contemplating on whether to let Esther in or not.

"I need to talk to her." She told Dakota. An exasperated sigh escaped Dakota as she shut the grimoire she was reading in contempt. "Thank you." Cecilia mouthed as she tossed Dakota the hourglass. "Okay, Esther, lets talk about who stole the last cookie in the cookie jar." She scoffed as Esther's dark, almost demonic spirit seeped into Dakota for possession.

"Ahhh," she breathed in her nostrils and smiled at Cecilia. The hourglass is set. It's about time they came to a conclusion, no more games. "Oh don't give me that look Cecilia. You're no better than I am." Esther sneered. This only made Cecilia clench her fists in aggravation. Yes. She knows that the things she's done has had many devastating consequences. But shes changed...its Esther who needs to accept death.

"I'm going to tell him," Cecilia stated bluntly. It's about time Klaus knows everything, apart from remaining clueless. This takes Esther off her amused expression. "He needs to know that he has a bitch for a mother." She spat.

"I'm doing what's best for humanity! Aren't you meant to protect the humans, yet you side with the monsters."

"I am protecting the humans. Lisa and Xavier and the rest you cursed. They are humans under my protection. As for Niklaus, he's just a pain in the ass. You're the real monster, Esther. The spirits have given you a chance to redeem yourself after you initiated vampirism. They told you to get rid of them. You could have cast human blood to become a cure for vampires...but instead you went for the kill." This accusation made Esther back up a bit, even though she knew Cecilia couldn't harm her, not with her in Dakota's body anyway.

"They have lived too many lifetimes to remember what's it's like to be human again. They deserve to die!" But Cecilia just shook her head at those words.

"No, Esther. I know what's wrong with you," Cecilia crept closer, piercing eyes staring into Esther's tampered soul. "You're all alone. You did everything you could to keep your family together. You tried to keep your affair with Niklaus' werewolf father secret. That backfired. You tried to keep your family alive and turned them into vampires. That backfired. So now you just want to unite again...dead. That's quite selfish of you, Esther. Since everything you've done until now was only for your own gain. Am I wrong, dear Esther?"

Esther looked at Cecilia close to tears. Her lips were slightly trembling. Her hands had a tremor as well , which concerned Cecilia. One. Two. Three. Esther let out a shriek and her spirt shot out of Dakota's mouth and into the night.


Okay, so after the scene outside the library with Xavier admitting to being cast by Esther and also revealing that he and Lisa are in fact vampire hunters...things have not gotten any easier to grasp. But Lisa knew it was useless to ignore it anymore. She needs to know. So after that strange encounter with Xavier, she followed him to his apartment, where he promised to show her his tools and tell her the whole story. Apparently, he has known all along what he is. Why Esther didn't tell Lisa sooner is still a mystery.

"Okay so let me get this straight," Lisa began as she accepted the coffee he made for her. He plopped down adjacent to her and drank from his cup. "You're telling me that after The Five, which were five elite vampire hunters...who have now expired...we are the new generation of hunters?" Xavier nodded, impressed that she caught on.

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