8. Sacrifice

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{8} Song: 'Dark side' by Kelly Clarkson

How the hell did it happen? Celeb is struggling to wrap his head around what he just said and done. He told the police that Lisa has been kidnapped and the location of Chace's body. How the hell did he know about any of it? He's losing his mind. The police have constantly bombarded him with questions he cannot answer. Mr. and Mrs. Mourad are mortified. Their biggest fear is that Lisa's body might be floating on Richard's Creek. So far there's been no discovery after they hoarded in five disemboweled bodies. He can still hear Mrs. Ashton's cries hammering in his head. "You better find the psychopath that did to my son!"

Caleb shuddered. He couldn't believe the words that spilled out of his mouth. He said he was drugged after escorting Lisa to the back of the grill. Drugged! And the last thing he heard was Richard's Creek. His hands are shaking. He can't sleep. He can't eat. He can't even look at his own reflection without thinking about Chace and Melanie and how death has connected them and how he hoped so dearly that Lisa hasn't joined them.


Ruth had come in the morning to bring Lisa breakfast, French toast, fruit salad and orange juice. She finished it quickly then paced around the room, bored. You could blindfold her, spin her around twenty times and she could still identify which direction of the room she's facing. She knows the master bedroom like the back of her hand. As she wandered daringly near the fireplace, she immediately noticed that the piece of paper wedged between the logs was new. She pulled it out and unfolded it.

Don't. Trust. Rebekah.

Lisa gasped and slipped the note inside her journal. She knew that it was from Cecilia and that the warning needed to be taken seriously. Considering Kol's words, "My sister Rebekah is willing to do whatever it takes to resolve our family disputes and it seems that Klaus has diverted his attention towards you."

Would Rebekah hurt her? She hoped not. Rebekah is her school captain and they worked on various fundraisers together and they practically see each other everyday at school. Rebekah wouldn't-

The door burst open, not the way Ruth usually made an entrance, this time a gust of wind followed. And Ximena stood there, a smile plastered to her face, straight teeth gleaming. Lisa looked at her, confused.

"Ximena Cheng, if you haven't noticed already,I'm a witch. You must be the controversial thing that has everyone talking. If it weren't for Rebekah's request I would have you meet the Coven of Witches. You're immunities are a force to be reckoned with." Ximena looked at her with utter interest. The way a dingo might look at a human baby.

"Immunities? I thought I was only immune to vampire compulsion." Lisa played dumb.

"You can add black magic that list." She declared.

"Black magic? How would you know that?" The implications sent shivers down Lisa's spine.

"Follow me." Ximena chirped. And reluctantly Lisa followed her. Ruth and Nate were nowhere to be seen which was notably odd but Lisa made no comment.

When they reached a lounge room, Lisa spotted Rebekah, dressed in black lace and red velvet, gothic. Ximena urged her to take a seat and she grudgingly obeyed. Ximena then exited the room, leaving Lisa and Rebekah alone together.

"Rebekah," Lisa said hesitantly. "Did Klaus organised this?"

"No, I requested for your company on my own terms. You must be lonely sitting in your room all day. Would you like some tea?" Rebekah poured a golden cup of tea for Lisa and herself, a little too eagerly. Don't trust Rebekah. The message rang in her head like warning bells.

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