2. Abducted

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{2} Song: 'I knew you were trouble' by Taylor Swift

Lisa woke up with an awful headache. It was like the beginning of a hangover which would have made sense if she was drinking last night. It must be from all the cigarettes and weed she inhaled from that stupid party. She checked the time. It's ten o'clock. She looked for her phone, twenty-one miss calls and thirteen text messages all from her friends, Chace and her parents. But Lisa was incapable of reading text messages and making phone calls. Her first instinct was to take a shower. Then have eat breakfast and go for a morning jog. But before she went for a shower, she switched her phone off vibrate to ringtone. Ten seconds later her phone rung as if to test its working. It was her mum.

"Hey mum," she greeted with a hoarse voice.

"Lisa, are you sick?"

"No," she cleared her throat. "That was just my morning voice."

"I've heard about Chace's party," her mum brought up unexpectedly. Crap! "Melanie's mum rang me this morning. Apparently Melanie didn't come back home last night and she's not answering her phone," Although their mums were best friends since high school Melanie and Lisa didn't quite click. Melanie was all about being the most popular girl inside and outside of school. Although she was beautiful without make-up, she piles it on heavier than sunscreen.

"Did you see her at the party? Did she decide to crash at a friend's? I heard there were drugs and alcohol. Lisa, I'm praying to god that you didn't take part in any filthy activities." Her mum rambled.

"Mum, I swear I didn't drink or do drugs. I left as soon as I could," Lisa parked in someone's driveway and struggled to free her car from the hundreds that clotted the streets. That's why it took her hours to escape and the reason why she came home so late and tired. "I did see Melanie but I'm sure she's fine, probably got drunk and lost her phone." Lisa said. 'Probably went home with one of the boys she was flirting with all night.' She thought to herself.

"You should have told me you were going to that party, Lisa." Her mum scolded.

"You wouldn't have let me go." She pointed out. Lisa is an only child. Opportunities to go out late at night were limited if existent at all.

"That's no excuse. You should know better than that. I didn't raise you to sneak out-" Her mum lectured her.

"Oh mum, can we skip the lectures please, my head is pounding." She moaned.

"I thought you said you didn't drink."

"I didn't, I came home late. I'm just tired. See you on Monday okay? Bye, I love you." Lisa hung up before her mum got to squeeze in another word. She sighed and then immersed herself under a cold shower.


Finn's room was dim there was only a stream of sunlight coming from a gap in between the curtains. He used that to clear his desk.

"Finn," Klaus said "Don't forget to send me a postcard from Rome." He smirked leaning against the door frame.

"Don't forget to send me a family portrait." Finn shot back. He must have heard last night's conversation with Rebekah. There is no such thing as secrets when you're capable of hearing everything within a 2 kilometer radius.

"Rebekah is gutted that you're leaving. Maybe you could talk her into boarding the plane with you." In Klaus's head that was a marvelous idea. But Finn just shook his head in dismay.

"Our family is breaking apart and you don't even care. I'm leaving, Elijah is never home and you want Rebekah out. Let's hope Kol is as loyal as he appears to be." Finn moved a few more things before smacking shoulders with Klaus as he walked out.

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