15. Revelation

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Song: 'Stay the night' by Zedd ft Hayley Williams

Caroline was alone in New Orleans...again. She hardly ever sees Klaus anymore and it's becoming annoying since she knows that he clearly went to Lisa. What is this? Honestly, she didn't expect to show up have a few good moments with him and then have him slowly loosen from her grasp. She huffed and walked to drawing room where Lisa's painting was kept. She glared at it.

You've done well, Caroline. It was Esther's voice floating around in her head again. You did everything I told you to do. Esther has been behind everything. She made Caroline sleep with Klaus in order to provoke Lisa to spike the alcohol. Now she has further plans. Caroline, can you hear me?

"Yes Esther," Caroline has now blanked out, immobilized. You've been a good, Caroline. You got Klaus and Lisa to separate...but now I need you to do something else. "Yes, Esther," Possessing the mind of a supernatural was easier than human because well, vampires are already half-dead. Plus Caroline's mind was easy to penetrate, easy to mould. I need you to break up with Niklaus, can you do that Caroline? She needs Klaus and Lisa to become closer again and getting Caroline out of the picture is the first step. Esther knows Lisa has discovered that she feels nothing for Klaus, she saw their kiss and she didn't interfere.

"Yes, Esther." Caroline replied, nonchalantly. Good girl.


It wasn't at all what Lisa had anticipated. She had pulled away first and wiped her lips in shame. She remembered the confused look that lingered in Klaus' eyes, mixed with a tinge of hurt. But she didn't explain herself. How could she? Sorry Klaus but that kiss just proved it had been your mother all along that convinced me to love you, where in reality, I don't feel that way about you? She stepped back and was close to tears.

"What's wrong?" He had asked. EVERYTHING IS WRONG. She had thought that she developed a soft spot for him, that she could escape to New Orleans with him, and that she could be heartbroken by him...and it was all Esther.

"Please go back." Lisa cried. But Klaus stepped closer to her, and reached out. He was worried about her and what this meant for them both. "Go back, go back to Caroline."

"I won't." Klaus confirmed. In that moment he chose Lisa. She was the one for him.

"No, no, no. You have to go back. I...I don't...-"

"Love me?" Klaus finished, he felt his insides slowly detach. Lisa eyes widened. Her voiced is choked up in her throat and her world was nothing more than just a fantasy.

"Please..." Lisa begged. She needed him to go away. To think. She turned always from him but he hugged her from behind and nestled his head in her hair. She forced herself not to cry right then and there. "I don't love you." And that's when the tears came out, each droplet exerted her. Klaus stiffened. She didn't mean that..did she? He didn't know want to believe...but he let her pull away from him and leave...

Lisa couldn't sleep for the rest of that night. She was up thinking hard about the events that led to this day. Now she knows the truth. She's being used to kill the Originals and Esther wanted to achieve that by manipulating her to fall for Klaus. That's it. That's enough. She can't deal with this anymore. She needs to get her life back together.

When the sun rose, Lisa was already dressed for school, packed her bag and cooked breakfast for her family. She left home early to study in the library. There was about five people including teachers in the library at this hour. It suited Lisa well. She seated quietly. Spreading out her textbooks and notepads and began.

"Oo, is that Chem homework?" Xavier's voice broke her concentration and before she knew it, he had claimed the seat next to her...like he does in every other class if possible.

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