12. Cursed

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Song: 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons

About a week had passed since Klaus showed up at Lisa's doorstep, demanding her return. Lisa had heard from her friends that Rebekah had stopped attending her high school, she could only imagine why. Most of her day was occupied by Caleb. They would go on picnics and talk for hours. It was so good to be with him. She wished that she could open up and talk to him about Klaus and how the supernatural world was invisible to the untrained eye. But she knew, no matter how much she trusted Caleb, he wouldn't be able to understand and most importantly, she would be putting his life in danger.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Caleb stopped gazing at the clouds and met her eyes. Lisa looked away, insecure about the topic. How was she going to tell him that she's been kidnapped by a hybrid, a lying, cheating vampire-werewolf hybrid? Lisa swallowed.

"I know..." She said and lay back down on the picnic blanket, staring hopelessly at the slow drifting white clouds.

"I mean it, Lisa. I don't want you to think I'll dob on your parents the next time your rebel faze kicks in." Caleb remarked before finishing his cheese sandwich. He really hoped she wouldn't run away again. And she really hoped she wouldn't be kidnapped again.

Night times were reserved for Kol, who sneaks into her room, goes through her stuff and then lies next to her on her bed, talking for hours. She likes him but she's not sure in which way. There's a lot of talking, but none of it were about Klaus. Which was good, Lisa thought, because she's trying really hard to forget about him. Caleb was a better distraction because every time she sees Kol, there's that dull reminder of Klaus being his brother. But tonight, Kol had called in and said that family matters were on the rise and Elijah had requested for his presence. So that night, Lisa locked the window and spent long hours staring at the ceiling. All was quiet.

"Lisa..." a black figure emerged from her wardrobe and she backed against her bed, petrified. She just hoped it was Cecilia. But Cecilia has not made any appearances or left any notes since.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Lisa asked the shadow. It was shaping itself to become more of a human figure and the curves and height suggested it was a woman.

"One down....four to go." The shadow hissed before vanishing altogether.

Lisa stared with wild eyes, sweat quickly breaking and breath hasty and uneven. What the hell was that?! She swallowed hard before racing out of her room and knocking on her parents' door.

"Mum, dad, are you in there?" she yelled out.

Five seconds later, her parents opened the door, with sleepy, confused expressions on their face.

"What is it, Lisa? What's wrong?" her dad asked.

She looked at him before she pulled her parents into a tight bear hug. Thank God, they're okay.

Her parents kept asking her what's wrong. But she didn't answer. One down...four to go.

What on earth could that mean?


Nothing new happened in New Orleans. Caroline often wandered the day alone. But at night she was at the company of Klaus, who stayed with her until dawn, attending other matters. She was frustrated at the fact he had left her to chase Lisa after they have slept together, but he did not return with her so that was good. However, Klaus had been in a bad mood ever since, he would brush her off a lot, even though they continued making love.

She wandered through the halls of the mansion. Today Elijah had called Klaus and requested for him, so the mansion was all hers. She slipped into the drawing room and scrutinized Klaus' artworks. There was one that caught her attention. It had a cover over it, which was absurd. Klaus never covers his paintings. And she's seen almost all of them. They were really wonderful, dark colors and textures to mirror his conflicting thoughts and moods. So out of curiosity she uncovered the painting...bright colors immediately overwhelmed her, it was almost like a picture of the sun. That was until; she made out the tinges of warm earthy browns. It made her snap a paintbrush in half. The freaking painting was of Lisa. Klaus painted her. Her!

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