22. Manifest

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{the first half was an extract of my other fanfic Hayley's big sister but I took it down. Meet Alyssa-Hope Labonair-Mikaelson}

A few days ago (before Caleb turned into a vampire)


The waitress exited to the back of the restaurant where the bins were kept in the stinking alleyway. Her apron is dirty, bobby pins were missing and her eyeliner melted after the long day. She crouched down on her worn sneakers and dialled her boyfriend's number, who failed to pick up on the first ring...second..third-

"Hello?" A female voice answered. Female?! The waitress had words choked up in her throat before she finally hung up and burst into tears. Alyssa rolled her eyes. Watching from a distance. Observing human life was miserable and boring. Yet she felt drawn to do so. She's been stalking this waitress for three weeks now. Her name tag read "Angelina" but everybody called her "Angel", especially the regulars at the restaurant. The old men, teenage jerks, the male staff, beer belly manager...anyone with testosterone. But Angelina was careful, not letting the lustful glare of men take advantage of her.

Plus she had a boyfriend. Cute, baby blue eyes. But a major asshole to the core. Alyssa wonders why Angelina, eighteen years old, clinically depressed, juggling two jobs, under the mercy of a shitty landlord, would put up with a boyfriend who can't keep it in his pants. Why is human misery so fucked up? Alyssa would never shed a tear for that jerk, she'd probably skin him alive and bathe him in saltwater. What, she descended from Niklaus.

Angelina wiped away the fat teardrops from her face, smudging her make-up in the process. It only made Alyssa pity her more. She leapt down from the ladder from which she perched, strutting towards Angelina, who looked up, confused and a little embarrassed.

"The front entrance is that way." Angelina directed, trying not to let Alyssa's beauty degrade her further. Alyssa smirked. People say she looks like Klaus when she does that.

"Oh I know sweety, I've been drinking coffee here for the last three weeks. Why do you think you're able to pay off rent in advance?" Alyssa challenged, hinting the generous tips she gives to Angelina. She looked at Alyssa closely and realised that she's been serving her coffee almost every single day.

"I have to get back to work." Angelina felt uncomfortable being alone in the alleyway with a wickedly gorgeous looking girl, who she half recognised. Alyssa sneaked some vervain into Angelina's pocket one night when a vampire tried to hit on her. Now the effect of vervain is tampering with her memory of Alyssa. But Angelina is trying to play it safe by heading back inside. She didn't like it when people approached her, acting like they know her.

The only difference is, Alyssa does know Angelina, she knows all her strengths and weaknesses. And believe it or not, sometimes Alyssa can relate to Angelina, complicated family, left home at the age of eighteen, and blames the world for every fault in her life....

"I don't think so," Alyssa grabbed Angelina by the neck and whispered into her ear. "I can make you strong, strong enough to defend yourself against any bastard, strong enough to not need the bastard you keep damn calling," Alyssa brushed a few strands of loose hair away from Angelina's whimpering face. The tight and threatening embrace wasn't exactly endearing. "I can make your pretty face last. But most importantly...I can make the pain go away. You'd like it, the thought of numbness conquers you." And with that Alyssa bit her wrist and fed squirming Angelina her blood.

Once that was done, Alyssa was going to snap her neck when, Angelina's body was snatched away by the wind and flung to the back wall. She slumped on the ground, unconscious.

"Honey you know that's not allowed." Cecilia said. She used her telekinesis to free Angelina. Alyssa rolled her eyes.

"She was miserable. I was helping her." Alyssa explained. Three whole weeks of investigating this poor human's life and it didn't end with supernatural powers and revenge. What a shame..

"She needs money, not fangs," Cecilia proclaimed then sighed. "Turn your humanity back on, Alyssa. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a while, there's a lot going on at my end too." Since Cecilia was assigned by Klaus to keep a Nanny eye on Alyssa, well lets just say, they click, same interests in fashion and stilettos. They could be sisters.

"What is it this time? What does Nik want?" Alyssa asked, the thought of Nik giving her orders at eighteen exhausted her as well as annoyed her.

"He wants you to come home to him."

Alyssa rolled her eyes.

"Let me guess, my life's in danger again?"

This time Cecilia looked guilty. She felt sorry for Alyssa and what she had to go through all these years; her separated parents, a grandmother set on killing her along with other supernatural creatures who are after her blood.

"I can take care of myself now," Alyssa declared as she turned on her heel to walk away. "You can find me at Dixon's." she didn't care about what Nik thought, she's can handle whatever comes her way and she wasn't going to turn her humanity back on for him.

Cecilia sighed.

"Something big is about to go down, Alyssa. It involves you. I have plan. It's simple."

Alyssa paused for a second and thought about it.

"I'm listening."

If Cecilia says its a simple plan then it shouldn't be too bad, in fact she has the slightest inkling that it will benefit her greatly. Cecilia approached Alyssa and tugged off her leather jacket two expose to distinct birthmarks. One is her Labonair moon-crescent birthmark that was passed down from her mother Hayley. The other birthmark is shaped as the sun that Cecilia and a few other witches years ago cast onto her to repress one of Alyssa's supernatural entities.

"We break the curse and let your witch side manifest."



More will be explained in the next chapter :) I just wanted to introduce Alyssa this way. Remember Alyssa is a vampire, werewolf and witch :) I hope you like it, please vote and comment :)

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