5- Whale Mating Sound

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A/N hey guys I have decided to try and cram an update in whenever I can!!
Go check out my outfit/ description book.

Song of the chapter: No Pressure

Picture of Denise Carpenter played by Lucy Hale.

Olivia's POV

Denise left to go get Landon so we can start settling things.

I just walk around the room looking at pictures. She has on her dresser. There are 3 pictures that stick out to me the most. I was about to pick one up
To get a better look at it when Denise walks in.

She walks to where I am and stares at the photos with me.

She points to the first one, "That one is of Landon and I. It was when he was five and I was just born." She smiles after saying that. "My parents said he would never let me go after I was born. Kinda like he owned me."

Denise then points to the second picture. "That is when I was like 7 and my oldest brother, Bryce, was about 16. He wasn't as close to me as the rest of my brothers because of the age gap but I grew on him." She says laughing

Then Denise points to the last picture. "That picture is of Landon, Me, and Dalton. Dalton is my twin brother. AKA the pain in my Ass." She says laughing.

I smile at the bond she has with her family.

"I can't wait for you to meet all of them." She says clapping her hands. Right after she said that Landon walks through the door.

"Meet all of who?" He asks, sitting on Denise's bed.

"All of the Carpenter clan. Duh." She says smacking his head.

"So let's get started." Denise says clapping her hands together. She pushed me to the spot next to Landon and I sit there uncomfortably.

"Okay, so first things first. Olivia. You said you hate the name Landon calls you. Am I correct?" Denise asks while I nod my head.

"Landon sounds like you need to pick out a different name." Denise says. Landon looks like he is about to object but Denise gives him a glare and he shuts up.

"Landon. You don't like how Olivia moves away from how when ever you want to touch her. Correct?" She asks and Landon nods his head.

"Olivia is there a reason you don't want Landon to touch you?" She asks while cocking her head to the side. I start to take a deep breath and look at her.

"I don't know. I mean I want him to, I really do. It's just that every time I do I feel like I can melt. I get these shocks and tingles. My wolf is yelling at me every time I move. I don't know what's wrong with me." I say while keeping my head low at my pathetic explanation.

Landon puts his hand on my chin a raises my head so I can make eye contact with him.

"Nothing is wrong with you Olivia." Landon tells me. I shudder at the way Olivia sounds when he says it. He smiles at that. "It just the mate effect. It's normal." He comforts. Then he wraps me in a hug. I closed my eyes and let him.

I actually let him. Let me tell you something, Mahogany is howling in happiness.

I don't know how long we were like that but when I opened my eyes I saw no Denise.

"I just have one more question." I say.

"Ask away." Landon says enjoying the feeling of me wrapped around him.

"What happens and what is the process of mating? I mean I know what they are I just never really got to know anything else." I tell him. He grabs my hand.

"A mate is a person you love forever. They are your other half. Next to your wolves of course but the moon goddess pairs you with someone your meant to be with. That person will love you unconditionally. Then there is the mating process. The mating process starts with marking your mate. A mark is a place where I bite you on your neck." Landon says while pressing a spot on my neck which makes me wanT to moan. "Then they mate, they have children and live in happiness. If one of the mates die the other one will go through immense pain and die. Or they will go physco then become a rogue." He says with his eyes dark. "If you don't want your mate you can reject them." He says with a blank look on his face. "You say I, state your name, reject, state their name, as my mate. Then you live life with a hole in your heart and your wolf hurting." Landon says with his head low.

"I won't reject you. I might as well give you a try." I mutter loud enough for Landon to hear. He wraps me in a huge hug and tells me how much I won't regret it.

My stomach then makes the mating sound of a whale. It ruins the moment.

Landon puts his arm around my waist and carries me to the kitchen.

"I will make you my famous Roast Beef sandwich." Landon says proudly. Landon is rummaging around through the fridge and then gets things out and puts them on the counter. I am watching his back muscles then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and see the beta's who name I have yet to know.

"Luna." He says respectfully.

"Beta." I say bowing my head in respect because that's what my mom always taught me to do.

Landon stiffens and turns around.

"Can I help you River? You don't need to bow at him Olivia." Landon tells me while standing by me.

"I would like to talk to the Luna." River says while still bowing.

"Okay." I chirp because it was uncomfortable silence in the kitchen and Beta River is an okay guy.

"No." Landon says with a glare on River.

"Landon if you want this to work. I am treated as an equal and you do not tell me what to do." I stomp sounding like a toddler.

Landon growls but goes back to making sandwiches.

Once River has me in the game room he laughs.


[Edited x2] W.C: 1063

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