14-Hit the Wussy

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Picture is of Olivia's wolf

Song of Chapter: Fight Song
Olivia's POV.

I walk up to the small table and wrap tape around my knuckles and nod my head at Landon and River.

"Look Bullpup we are going to kick ass alright?" Dalton said while helping me wrap the tape. I just nod my head in respond. I'm just trying to grasp my dads words before fights.

"Keep your chin up when you fight."
"Protect the face!"
"Make some noise."
"Bruises will heal."
"Victory tastes best when earned."
"Fight like you mean it."

That's all I can remember before Dalton starts pushing me towards the ring.

"Remember Bullpup you can kick his ass, it depends if you actually put some pizzazz in it." Dalton says while making Jazz hands.

"Thanks cupcake, I will maybe throw some glitter at him." I say while rolling my eyes.

I step out on to the ring and there stands River. I walk up and smile and all he does is nod. Okay then...

The bell rings and the fight starts. We go around in a circle for a little bit when my dad intrudes.

Are you trying to do a dance off or something? Don't be a pussy and hit the wussy!

I lunge at River's abdomen.

I throw a Right Jab and I bring my left arm out for a uppercut but River takes that opportunity to grab my arm and flip me to the ground.

I hear Landon growl at River.

I smile at River.

"Tell him what you told me!" Dalton yells.

"Is that all Princess?" I smirk. And then I sweep his knees and push him towards the the corner of the ring.

Right Jab
Left Uppercut
Right Punch
Right Cross
Left Jab
Left Hook
Right Push

River is trying to block my punches and that's when he looks up at me with his golden Beta eyes. He pushes me on the ground and gets on top of me.

He punches me in the ribs and that's when I have taken enough shit from him. I let my eyes glow Alpha-Red and that's when I hear it. My dad. Atta girl

I launch River on the other side and bring a swift kick around to knock him to the ground. I starts nailing in punches and I start feeling River getting weaker.

I roll River over and bring his wrists behind his back.

"Give?" I ask sweetly.

"Give." River grunts

I get up and help River up. He gives me a glance and starts walking towards his Alpha. Landon is staring at every move I make.

I just grab my stuff and head out towards the front of the training area. I find a tree and change behind it. I put my clothes in my bag and leave it by the front door knowing Dalton or Landon will pick it up.

I shift into my grey and white timber wolf. Bones cracking with a howling pain that I am used to now. I run back to the pack house.

I really didn't run like I usually do. I more like jogged. Trying to embrace my surroundings. I didn't even hear someone behind me.

I felt a small hand on my back. Petting me.

I snap my neck towards the hand that was petting me and I lay on the ground showing I won't hurt the small girl.

She giggles and keeps petting me. Her ginger hair falling in her face. Then her mom comes running over and starts to apologize profusely.

"I'm so sorry ma'am. She just likes wolves." The woman said blushing and dragging her daughter away.

"Your going to be a great Luna." A
voice says.

I turn my head to make eye contact with Landon. His mouth isn't moving but he is talking to me.

I forgot to tell you we have mind-link. We can talk to each other in our mind-link because you have a mark.

I try and get words out through my head.

Just kind of talk to yourself like if you were singing a song in your head. Landon suggests.

I nod my head and give it a try.

Did it work?

The smile Landon has on his face makes me want to howl in pure happiness.

Yes Angel, it did work.

Can anyone else hear this?

Nope. Would It be okay if I shift into my wolf with you, and show you around the territory?

Sure. Why not.


Dedicated to @22teamjacob

Because she is the bomb for leaving great feedback!!

W.C: 774

References: none that are intentional.

Edited x1

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