60-Milk In My Pecs

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Hey guys so go check out my instagram! It's x_super.wolf 😬 I really appreciate all the comments and support! You guys are amazing!! Sorry for the slow updates. I've been having to cope with the loss of a few people in my family.


*Time Skip To The Beginning Of August*

"Baby girl. Wake up." A voice says slightly shaking me.

"Five more minutes." I grunt turning away from him.

"Come on, Beautiful. Kaden is crying. He's hungry." He tells me brushing my hair away from my face.

"Then you go feed him." I groan, swatting his hand away.

"Olivia, I would feed him so I wouldn't have to wake you up, but I don't have milk in my pecs." He says laughing. I finally turn around and look at him with a slight smile tugging on my lips.

"He's weaned off of Breast Milk you know, right?" I tell him sitting up.

"Since when did that happen?" He ask with his eyes wide.

"When you went on that 2-Week long big Alpha meeting, on Fierce Ash territory." I remind him.

"I should have noticed that he doesn't need your boobs." He says.

"Yeah. As of now he is eating very minced scrambled eggs, baby food, and drinking juice." I tell him, getting up and heading to the nursery. Kaden is sitting up and crying, but when he sees me he stops crying. Instead a smile is on his features.

"Well good morning my prince." I coo picking him up and taking him down to the kitchen. I put Kaden in his high chair and grab "Apple Strawberry Banana" baby food from the pantry along with a spoon from the drawer.

I sit down in front of Kaden and open up the food. I scoop some up and put it near his mouth and he just wrinkles his nose at me.

"Come on Kade. Eat some." I coax. He just turns his head the other way and I groan. Landon was watching me from the top off the staircase and starts laughing at me.

"Let me try baby girl." He smiles, hurrying down the stairs and to where I was standing.

"Go for it." I say stepping back and letting Landon do it. He grabs the spoon and moves the spoon around. Kaden's eyes follow wherever the spoon goes with his mouth open. Landon quickly puts the spoon in his mouth and Kaden swallows the baby food.

"How?!" I yell throwing my hands in the air and walking back up to our bedroom.

I then feel Denise pushing my mindlink. I open it up for her.

"Olivia?! Where are you!" She yells.

"Am I supposed to be somewhere certain?" I ask her.

"You were supposed to be at my room an hour ago to pick out your wedding dress for next week!" She shrieks.

"I'm sorry I forgot! I'm on my way. Have a robe waiting for me out front." I tell her. I catch Landon up on what she told me. I let Landon finish feeding Kaden. I shift into my Wolf form and race back to the pack house hoping not to be killed by Denise.

She's outside the pack house with a silky black robe in her arms. She looks tired and her baby belly is very prominent. Once she sees me she looks like she is about to run towards me but I speed up so she can't. I don't want her to put strain on the baby or herself.

"Finally. I can't believe you forgot! Your wedding is next week!" She shrieks handing me the robe and I go behind a tree. I shift back into my human form then slip on the robe. Once I walk back to Denise, she grabs my wrist and runs to her room. She runs fast for a pregnant lady. When we get to her room a lady is in there who has a sour look on her face.

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