24-Eyebrows are Sharp

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My eyes open and I feel Landon below me.

"Good morning, sunshine." I yawn and roll over onto Landon's chest.

"Good Morning Baby." Landon says wrapping his arms around me.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's about 2." Landon says. Then I remember. Today is the Luna Ceremony. I slept in too late! The freaking ceremony is in like 5 hours!! I launch out of bed and run to Denise's room. I walk in to see her pacing.

"Where were you I have been waiting for 4 hours! Wait nevermind. It doesn't matter. We need to start getting ready!" She yells grabbing my arm and sprinting towards a sparkly door. She opens it and there stands 5 omegas and Landon's mom.

"Sorry I slept in." I said sheepishly.

"No time for excuses. Strip and get in the tub." Victoria Commanded. To be honest, she freaked me out right now.

I did as she said and stepped into a sparkly bathtub with bubbles.

"The water is cold." I shiver, feeling my teeth chatter. It feels like there is ice cubes in here!

"Well it wouldn't be if you got here earlier, because it was hot at 10 this morning. When you were supposed to be here." Denise says.

The omegas then start working on me. One of then starts salt scrubbing my face and neck. The second one starts putting pink shaving soap on my legs and starts shaving. Denise gives me blue scrub for my body. The third omega then starts exfoliating my arms with Coconut stuff. The fourth omega then starts putting a flavored scrub on my lips. The fifth omega is washing my hair.

Once they all finished I got dunked under water and was met with a fluffy warm black towel. I wrap myself in it and then they leave me alone to start drying off. Then Denise comes in with pale pink underwear and a matching bra.

"Put this on." She demands. I listen and slip it on. Someone walks in after knocking on the door.

"Hello, Luna. I am your hairdresser and makeup artist. My name is Ophelia." The woman introduces herself.

I shake her hand and then she sits me down on a chair then starts with my hair. Denise is talking to me the whole time but I wasn't even listening. I was just thinking of how happy Landon was when I gave him a nickname.

*1 hour Later*

Ophelia turns me around so I can see my hair. It's soft curls framing my face.

She then walks me over to a big vanity table and starts doing my make up.

*1 hour later*

Ophelia turns me around again and I look awesome. My cheeks are contoured. I think. And my eyebrows are sharp. I could cut a bitch with these. Ophelia helps me up and carries me out to where Victoria and the 5 omegas were.

"Here is your dress. Don't put it on yet though." Denise says. I get a robe thrown at me and I put it on.

"Let's go get me in my dress." Denise says. Denise takes me to her room and pulls out a white and silver dress, with a high neck. It goes just below her knees. She slips it on because her makeup and that stuff was done.

I look at the time and it's almost 7.

We run back to the room that had my dress.

Denise helps me slip the dress on and then she sees a white box. With a letter on it.

The letter said,
"I love you. Wear this❤️. Much love from Landon" I smile and open the box and see a silver ring with a heart on it. I smile and slip it on. Denise is giving me light touch ups and tightening my dress.

Once she thinks I'm ready. We wait for Landon to show up.

Once Landon shows up he looks at me and his smile is from ear to ear. He runs up and hugs me tight.

How old are you guys??

[edited x1]
W.C: 6

References: Mulan. I don't own Mulan or the Disney franchise. All rights and credits go to them.

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