47-It Hurts

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Hey guys. I'm really liking all the baby names that have been suggested. I have been writing them all on a list, like I said I would. Any whooooo, apparently I'm not ranked in Werewolf anymore... we need to fix that. ASAP😭 the song is Stay by Rihanna.


Landon's POV

Once we got to the area Olivia was at, I heard a blood curdling scream. My wolf took over and I howled. Time to fight for my baby and pup!

Then the man who we saw at the waterfall came out into the open. Leo. His name bitter on my thoughts. This twig has been tormenting my mate for months. I will wipe that smug look off his face really quickly.

"Nice of you to join us, Landon." Leo smiles with a look of evil laced in his eyes.

I roar and men come out behind Leo. A few women though. I hear a howl come out of Bryce's mouth and a female rogues mouth. I didn't think much of it.

"Let's get angry!" I roar and shift all the way.

I sprinted towards Leo and he clashed with me. I took a quick glance to see Bryce running off into the woods with a warrior.

I then turn back toward Leo and he slashes his claw across my back. Now I'm pissed!

I dig my claws into his stomach and he starts coughing out blood.

He then slump to the ground but still breathing.

I crouch down by his face.

"You see Leo. Don't mess with the ones I love." I mutter clawing his face.

After I'm sure that he is close to taking a last breath, I snap his neck. I roar out in victory to see that the men and alphas already killed their prey and they were watching me kill Leo.

I then see a boy who looked like Olivia run out of the abandoned house with my mate in his arms. Then I noticed blood dripping off of her stomach.

"Landon..." she whispers. My heart just shattered.

"Olivia!" I roar. My mate!

I wrap her in my arms and put her in the car Dalton brought. We then raced to the pack doctor.

"Landon I love you." Olivia get out then she collapsed in my arms.

I'm full blown crying now.

"Olivia. Don't close you eyes!" I cry out.

My eyes then flash red.

"Floor it!" I bark.

Dalton nods and in a matter of seconds we are at the pack house.

I sprint to the pack doctor and he puts Olivia on a stretcher.

I am holding her weak hand and then they start to roll her into a room.

"Landon you can't be in here right now. You could wake her up from anesthesia if we put her under." The pack doctor says.

I growl and try to go in my Denise and Dalton put their hands on my shoulder.

"Donny. You need to listen. They have to help Olivia, but they can't if they have to worry about you." Denise says using the nickname I only allow her to call me. I then fall against the Wolf hospital (pack doctors office) walls. I then break down. What if Olivia dies? What if my unborn baby dies? How will Olivia cope with that?

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