26-Before Everyone

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A very slow song comes on and people circle around me and Landon.

Landon leads me to the center and pulls me close to him. I lay my head on his chest and we sway to the music. For a moment it was like it was just me and Landon. Nobody else. Once the song ended Landon and I didn't split apart.

The night slowly came to an end and Landon and I made a exit before everyone can leave. We said our goodnights and we walked up to our bedroom.

Once we got to the living room. Landon sat me down and took off my heels. He then picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs and to our room. Landon quietly started undoing my dress and helped me get out of it.

Landon disappears into the closet and comes back with a hanger and folded clothes.

Landon hands me a gray bra and underwear and he turned around.

"Are you happy to be part of the Scarlett Thunder Pack, babygirl?" Landon asks while taking his shirt off. I put on my gray underwear.

"Yeah. I haven't been part of a pack for so long, Landon." I admit while putting my bra on. Once Landon is just in his boxers, he sees me putting my night shirt on. He walks to the bathroom and comes back out. I am laying in bed look at the ceiling when he makes me sit up. He turns me so I am facing the door and I feel my hair being tugged. Then I realized he is braiding my hair. To be honest I really wanted him to do my hair. I'm pretty sure that he knew it too.

"Olivia. You don't need to say it back yet, but I love you. I love you more than you could imagine." Landon says kissing my ear while still braiding my hair.

I sit there quietly for a minute.

Do I have feelings for Landon? Definitely.
Have I actually learned to forget the horrible things he has done?
Kind of.
Did he turn out to be a monster?
Does he take care of me?
Does he pressure me into stuff?
Do I love him?

"I love you too Landon." I say. I say it again to make sure is made it clear to myself.

Landon ties my hair and kisses me on the lips and wraps me in a hug.

I hear a knock on the door and turn my head.

Landon grabs the bottom of my night shirt and tugs it a bit to make sure it didn't ride up.

"Enter." Landon says finally. But with me behind him ofcourse.

"Hey Olivia and Landon." Taylor says before popping his head out from the door frame.

I smile and wave but Landon keeps a straight face.

Taylor moves his hand out from behind his back and I see a blue bag of wipes that read 'make up wipes'.

"I don't want you to get oily skin or a bunch of acne for sleeping with makeup on." Taylor says while opening up the package. Taylor moves so he is sitting on the side of the bed.

"You slayed out there tonight." Taylor says while wiping off the cake.

"Thanks Tater-tot." I say laughing. Taylor is working at my eyelashes but then starts laughing.

"Girl I am not golden brown I am more along the lines of sour cream." Taylor says grabbing another wipe. Taylor has gone through half of the bag when he finally claps his hands and gets up.

"Voilà. I am done and good night." Taylor says while walking out the door.

I climb into the bed and snuggle up to Landon and let sleep take over my body.

References: none that I am aware of or intentionally put in here.


Edited x1

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