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This chapter is dedicated to syeda2012 !!!! Thank you so much for reaching out to me!! Picture of Olivia's outfit is above.

I put my hands over my mouth and I find it hard to get air into my lungs.

"Olivia, from the first time I saw you, there was this spark that intrigued me." Landon starts. I stand there motionless and I feel my eyes burn with tears.

"You were so confused about everything, but weren't confused about how much you didn't want me to be near you." He says with a laugh. I feel a small laugh escape my mouth along with a stray tear.

"Somehow you actually let me inside. You let me be your mate and you accepted me. I felt so happy and i haven't been happy for a while. You warmed a heart that many thought couldn't be warmed. You let me love you. I say this Olivia with every ounce of my heart that you repaired. I love you. Olivia, will you marry me?" He asks with his beautiful smile. He flips open the box. Inside is the most beautiful engagement ring I have ever seen. I feel the tears rolling down my face. I can't trust myself to speak. I take a deep breath.

"Yes." I say. He smiles at me and slips the ring on my finger. He stands up and pulls me into a hug and holds me tight.

"I love you too." I cry out, sobbing onto Landon's shoulder. I feel my shoulder get a little wet and I realize he is crying too.

Once we pull away, he slides his hands over my baby bump.

"I will make sure both of you are happy, for the rest of your lives." He says to himself. I feel a smile spread across my face.

I grab my shoes and slip them back on. Landon then picks me up bridal style and carries me back to our house. He opens the door to see Crawford, Denise and Knox sitting down watching "Icarly". Knox doesn't look happy.

"I don't want you guys going back to the pack house in the dark." Landon orders. He walks to the linen closet and grabs blankets and puts them on the dining room table. Denise and Knox take the big recliner and Crawford takes the big sofa. We say our goodnight a head to bed.

*2 months later! Don't forget that the The pregnancy lasts 5 months.*

I woke up to this almost punching feeling in my stomach. I wake up panicking thinking something is wrong with the baby.

Landon woke up to and holds me.

"Are you okay?" He asks worried.

"No, I-" I start but I put my hand on my stomach and I feel the baby kicking! The baby is kicking!

"Landon, the baby is kicking!" I squeal. He puts his hand on my stomach and once he feels it he smiles at me.

Once the baby was done kicking we went down to the kitchen and got breakfast.

"I'll make it." I say, grabbing a skillet and eggs from the fridge.

I turn on the stove and let the skillet get hot.

Landon grabs the remote and turns on a Football game. (American Football)

I crack the egg and scramble in the skillet. Landon is watching the TV and is yelling at it.

"Come on, Romo! My mother throws better than that!" He yells. He grabs the remote and changes it to a different football game. I mix the egg a little more and put it onto the plate. I crack another egg and scramble it. Doing the same thing as last time.

Once I was done I put some bacon on the skillet and let it start sizzling. I lean on the counter and have my hand with the ring resting on my baby bump. I then hear the camera click, snapping me out of my daze.

My Little Red (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now