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Inserted above is the show Olivia Found. THIS CHAPTER AND PREVIOUS ONES ARE IN THE OUTFIT BOOK!!!


Olivia's POV

I felt an arm shaking me and I growled at whoever was trying to wake me up.

"Come on, Angel. Let's go. It's time to go swimming." Landon's soft voice says. I open my eyes and slowly get up.

"But I don't want to get up." I whine.

"You wouldn't need to, if you didn't promise my brother." Landon says laughing. I get up and start walking towards the door but I feel something hit my back. I turn around to see a clothing object on the floor. I pick it up and look at Landon questionably.

"It's a cover up. Wear it." Landon tells me. While grabbing 2 towels. I put the cover up on and walk out the door. Landon put his arm around my waist as we walk down the stairs.

This brunette walked by us going up the stairs. I smiled at her and she gave me kind of a half smile we were just about to pass her when she slaps Landon's ass then runs. I growl and turn around. Landon picks me up and carries me down stairs and I am still growling and trying to control my breathing.

"It's okay babygirl. She will face punishment later. Let's enjoy this time." Landon coos in my ear before sitting me down on the couch in the living room. He turns on the tv and hands me the remote.

I have it in my hands and I give Landon a look that screams 'what the hell am I supposed to do with this'.

"I will be right back I'm gonna go grab the Carpenter Clan and we will get going. I nod my head and I look back at the remote.

I press a random red button on the top and the TV turns on. Them once the Tv starts up I press a random combination of numbers. The Tv switches to a theme song with a lot of girls faces. *play the song that I put above*

The title then shows it says "Keeping Up With The Kardashians". I turn it up and I start watching. It's actually pretty entertaining. Like the people are just so dramatic, that it is funny.

Landon took a lot longer to grab his siblings so I just keep watching. I watched 2 episodes and I like it.

I was in the middle of Khloé throwing a bitch fit about Kylie's selfie with Black Chyna.

Then someone else sits on the couch with me.

"Oh my freaking god I love this show." The man says while clapping his hands. I laugh and he sticks his hand out.

"My name is Taylor." The chirpy light Brown haired guy says.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Olivia." I say while shaking his hand.

Taylor makes himself comfortable on the couch. "Isn't Kim such a whiny bitch, but really entertaining to watch." Taylor say while looking at me. I laugh at his boldness and he nods his head.

We sit there laughing and making jokes about the show for 5 minutes before Denise jumps on the couch. She is wearing an Neon Yellow Bikini that crosses over the top of her ribs. And she is wearing a long white cover up.

"Dayum look at my hot friend." Taylor gasps fake fainting. Denise poses.

"Stop being so dramatic Tator-tot." Denise laughs while rolling her eyes and hugging him. I make a confused face.

"Don't worry Taylor's gay." Denise says and that explains so much.

Taylor fake flips his hair. "Das me." He says while snapping his fingers in a 'Z' formation.

"He likes to live down the stereotype." Denise says ruffling his hair.

We sit down and resume watching Keeping up with Kardashians.

"What the hell are you watching? This show is a load of shit." Landon's voice groans.

"Landon I would tackle you and tell you to take it back, but I'm too busy laughing at your mate making Kylie Jenner Lips." Denise says calmly holding in laughter. Landon picks me up and we all head outside towards the Range Rover. I wave at Taylor and mouth 'bye'. He waves and walks to the kitchen. Sorry I meant over exaggerated skipping.

Dalton and Bryce were outside on their phones. While leaning on the Range Rover.

We all hop in and a man in the front seat starts driving.

We stop in a clearing and Landon tells us we have to walk the rest of the way.

We talk about random things then we come to this beautiful pond/ pool that has a waterfall.

The boys are taking off their shirts and running for the water.


Where are you guys from?

[Edited x1]

W.C: 818

References: Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I do not own the show and all credits go to them!!

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