22- Red Button

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Olivia's POV

"Knock knock."

I hear someone yell from outside the door. I groan and cuddle back into Landon's side.

The knocking continues and I growl. I then throw the covers back. I curse words under my breath all the way to the door.

"Language." Landon yawns. I roll my eyes and throw the door open.

"What the actual fu-" I was cut off to see Denise standing there looking at me.

"You have like 30 minutes before we leave." She says and closes the door. I shriek and start running around the room grabbing stuff. I want to look my best around Landon's mom.

I walk into the closet and grab a black and white chevron print dress and a pair of white Jeffery Campbell LITA's.

I also grab a dark blue and pink strapless bra and matching underwear. I go and change, then walk into the bathroom and do my morning routine. When I am done I see Landon still in bed. Landon groans and I straddle him. I start hitting his face lightly and he opens his eyes.

"You need to get up. You have pack work today. I chose your clothes already. Get up." I say getting up and walking in the closet to the makeup spot.

I am about to put my make up on when I see a sticky note

Press the Red Button

I press the red button and a omega comes rushing in 30 seconds later to do my make up.

When she finished I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I see Landon looking at me with a look of pride on his face.

"Well, time to go?"Landon asks. I nod my head and we walk down stairs to see Denise and Victoria in the kitchen.

"I think we should go to the cute little cafe downtown." Denise says once I sit down. Denise and Victoria are looking very lovely this morning.

Victoria is wearing a long sleeve black dress and Denise is wearing a pink and brown dress.

We walk out to the Range Rover and drive into the downtown. We walk into a cafe and get seated.

"So, Olivia, tell me. How did you meet Landon?" Victoria asks.

"Well Landon met me when I was a rogue. I was getting brought back over by Beta River and some pack wolves when I met Landon. Let me tell you, he was a hot head." I say laughing.

"Landon has never not had a temper. You seem to mellow him down." Victoria laughs. I smile at the compliment.

"May I get you ladies anything to drink today?" A younger male asked us.

"We will all have mango lemonade." Victoria say. The man nods his head and walks away. I've never had mango lemonade.

"So Denise told me everything and let me tell you something sweetie. I am here for you if you need it. Even if it's to book your bra fitting appointments." Victoria says laughing. I nod my head and she continues. " I know Landon may be a tough cookie but I can see you make that disappear sometimes. You make him really happy. I just want you to know. From an experienced person in the mate area, I will answer any of your questions. Because dear, I was just like you." Victoria says grabbing my hands. I wrap her in a hug and tell her thank you.

"I actually do have a question." I tell her.

"Ask away." She tells me.

"So what is the ceremony you asked Landon about?" I ask.

"The Luna ceremony. It's a wonderful thing where you get all dressed up and are announced Luna to the pack." Victoria says smiling.

"Will it make Landon happy if I do it?" I ask.

"Anything you choose will make him happy, but this one assures him that you accept him and his pack." She says.

"I want to do it." I say.

*skipping the whole cafe thing*

When we got back to the pack house we sat in the kitchen and talked.

"So when should I be expecting, grandchildren?" Victoria asked smirking. I choke on my water and Denise is patting my back.

"Children?" I choke out.

"I've seen how you are with children. They adore you and you love them." Victoria says with a knowingly look on her face.

"Mom, Liv and Landy haven't even mated yet." Denise says patting my head.

"Oh my word. Get on it. Make some babies." Victoria says laughing.

I start chocking again but this time on air. I don't even know how that happens. Don't judge me.

"You okay kitten?" A voice says behind me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I respond while turning around to Landon. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"Guess what Olivia wants to do?" Victoria says.

"What does Livy want to do?" Landon asks.

"She wants to do the Luna ceremony." Victoria screeches while clapping her hands.

The look on Landon's face made my heart swell up. He was really happy.

What's your guy's favorite show?

[edited x2]

W.C: 864

References: none that I put in here intentionally or that I know of.

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