38- Luna Party

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CHAPTER COVER BY head_bitch_in_charge

"Landon can I be excused." I ask feeling panic rise in me. If I was about to have a breakdown, I'm sure as hell that I won't be having it in here. Landon nods and I get up and leave.

"Babygirl, are you okay?" I hear Landon's voice in my head. (Mind link)

"Yeah I just needed to take a breather." I respond rubbing my temples.

I'm just leaning on the wall with my eyes closed when the door next to me opens and the Luna's walked out.

"Are you okay, Olivia?" Isabella asks sitting down next to me. The other Luna's sit around me.

"Yeah. I guess." I sigh running my hands through my hair.

"Do you want to go to Landon and I's room? We can watch movies?" I propose wanting to get out of the walkway. I am most definitely not going back into the meeting.

"Yeah." They all say and their eyes glaze over while they talk to their mates.

"Landon, I'm taking the girls to my room so we can watch movies."

"Okay, Liv. Be safe. Knox and Crawford will be there waiting."

I start walking up the stairs and the girls are following behind me.

Once we get to our bedroom door I open it up and walk in. Isabella closed it behind her and all the Luna's stand around me growling.

I look to see what they are growling at, it's Knox and Crawford looking freaked out.

"Girls, it's okay. These are my guards. Knox is the blonde one and Crawford has the darker hair." I say flopping on Landon and I's huge bed.

The girls calm down and join me on the bed.

"So what's there names?" Crawford asks.

Isabel sits up and bows her head to show respect.

"Luna Isabella. Mate to Alpha Axel of the Fire Moon Pack." Isabella says sitting back down and looking at the curvy Luna.

"Luna Rebecca of the Midnight Canine Pack. Mates with Alpha Kyle." Rebecca says bowing her head then looking at the model looking woman who doesn't talk much.

"Luna Mallory. Alpha Derek is my mate and we are Alpha and Luna to the Silent Timber Pack." Mallory says smiling a kind smile. She looks at a Brazilian looking woman.

"Luna Harmony of Fierce Ash Pack. Mates with Alpha Max." Harmony says.

Crawford looks like he is trying to memorize the names while Knox was looking through the movie box.

"What do you guys wanna watch. Landon only has 2 movies in here. The Other Woman or Shrek." Knox says pulling out two DVD holders.

"The Other Woman!" Mallory yells.

"I have never watched it." I say looking at her.

"You'll love it!" She squeals. So much for not a talker.

We were half way into the movie when Kate put the hormone pills in her husbands juice drink and Mallory was hysterical. We were laughing so hard.

Then when he gets out of the showers and looked at his nipples, Knox was laughing along with Mallory. Rebecca was holding onto me while she laughed hard enough that she was snorting. Once the movie finished we were just having girl talk.

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