53-The gender is...

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Hey guys, take a look at the Beautiful cover xAverageDreamerx  made! Thank you so much!! Also there is Time skips again! Sorry!

(1 month later)

"Olivia." Landon says shaking my shoulders.

"5 more minutes." I grunt rolling over on the bed.

"You said that 30 minutes ago." He reminds me kissing the shell of my ear softly.

"Then your a crappy alarm clock." I mumble putting the pillow over my head. Landon groans and I feel my shirt getting lifted up. A cold breeze is on my baby bump. I then feel soft kisses from the bottom of my round stomach to the curve at the top.

"We are going to miss the doctors appointment to find out the gender." Landon reminds softly. I get up and throw the pillow at him.

I run to the bathroom quickly (as I can) brushing my teeth and brushing my hair. I wash my face and quickly dry it off. Landon is just laying on the bed with his hands behind his head laughing at me.

I ignore him and slide into the closet. I'm throwing clothes around trying to find something comfy but none of my shirts are fitting right now. I already had to get some new bras because mine got bigger because of the pregnancy.

Landon's arms snake around my waist and I relax and let go of the breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"Calm down baby girl. Here." He says grabbing his Blue and black Nike hoodie, and a pair of black yoga pants. He then takes off my night shirt and tosses it in the dirty clothes hamper.

He takes his time, letting his gaze linger everywhere. "So fucking cute." He mutters to himself. He slips on the hoodie and I pull on the yoga pants. I bend down to pick up my shoes but it put a lot of pressure on my back.

"Fuck!" I curse. Landon has lightened up on the cursing because there is no point in trying to get me not to do it. I'm a stubborn person.

"Are you okay?" He worries, putting me in a standing position. He checks my face for signs of discomfort.

"Is it your back?" He asks. I just nod my head and I rub my hand up and down my lower back. He removes my hands from my back and replaces it with his hands. I lean my head on his chest and relax. My head shoots up when I remember the whole reason why I was rushing this morning.

"Landon. doctors." I get out. His eyes widen and he picks me up with one of his arms under my knees and the other one on my back. He races to the pack doctor.

Once we get there we get seated in our usual room. Landon sits in the chair I'm supposed to be in. I was about to say something but he pulled me onto his lap.

"You know what baby girl?" Landon's husky voice says in my ear.

"What, orso?" I reply leaning into his touch. He puts his hands on my stomach from behind me and rubs light circles.

"This baby will be into this world in a few months." Landon whispers, kissing me.

"I know. We will have to choose a baby name soon." I remind him. He nods his head and the doctor walks into the room.

He grabs the same things we used last time and he made Landon move. Landon also wanted to be the one to lift my shirt up so he did and stood right beside me.

"Remember, its cold." He reminds me with a slight laugh before putting on the gel.

He dims the lights this time so the screen is easier to see. He then starts rubbing the ultrasound wand over my stomach for a bit and the image of our baby pops up on the screen. I look up at Landon and he has a big smile on his face. I squeeze his hand and I smile up at him. He then bends down and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay do you see this right here?" The doctor asks pausing the screen and taking his hand off the wand. He points to a marking on our baby which I suppose is a dick. I guess. I don't actually know.

"Do you know what this means?" He asks taking his gloves off and wipes the gel off.

"It's a boy?" Landon asks with his eyes looking glassy. The doctor nods his head and writes down our next appointment and leaves the room.

"Olivia we are having a baby boy!" Landon exclaims holding me and I start crying happy tear.

He drops down to his knees and lifts his sweatshirt back up and hugs my stomach and kisses right below my belly button.

"I love you baby boy. You are going to be a great future alpha. Mommy and I will take good care of you." Landon says, kissing my belly one more time and then standing up to kiss me.

Landon and I walk down to the kitchen and we bump into Blair.

"Hey!" I greet hugging her.

"Hey Liv! Did you go to the doctor for the gender yet?" She asks quietly.

"Yep. We are having a boy. But keep quiet about it because we want to announce it." I tell her. She nods her head and mimics a zip across her lips.

"How are the pills?" I ask.

"I'm finally pregnant!" She squeals. I hugs her tightly and she excuses herself to go tell Denise.

"Well, lil mama, we should go see if the house is finished." Landon says casually.

"Lil mama?" I laugh. He nods his head with a cheesy smile and I kiss him.

We load up into the Rover and drive to our house which is 2 minutes away when driving.

(Picture of house in outfits and Description book)

We pull up to our new home and my eyes widen. It's beautiful! This is perfect for us! We walk inside and everything is done to perfection. There was just 3 workers left and they were just screwing in all of the lightbulbs. Once they were done it will officially be Landon and mines house. We walk through the big living room that has stone on the walls and then we go through each door. We have a nursery next to the master bedroom. The nursery has plain white walls and is empty. The master bedroom is huge and has a fireplace.

"Landon should we start moving it?" I ask. He smiles at me and kisses me.

"We are already moved in." He replies. Opening the closet and he was right all of my clothes and his are in there.

"Can we go stay in the pack house for one more night?" I ask. He nods and we walk out the door and lock it. Then we go back in the Rover and drive to the pack house. Once we get there I walk into the kitchen and see my brother kissing some girl. I take a better look at the girl and realize it was Emma. The omega who helped me when I was just out of the woods. I realize they are mates and I quietly leave the room.

Landon and I head up to the bedroom and go to bed.

Edited x1
References: none that I intended to have or know of.

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