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Hey guys, so I'm narrowing down on names! I think I may finally have it!! Any whoooo there is a time skip because let's say werewolves know there pregnant faster than human and have only 5 months pregnant. Well atleast that's what a lot of others werewolf books are telling me.


Olivia's POV

*few days later*

I woke up in the couch with Landon's arm around me, and Carlie sleeping on my lap. I threw the blanket off us and I looked around. Landon and Carlie are still sleeping, popcorn is all over the floor, and Toy Story 3 is playing.

I rub my eyes and Carlie's mom is running down the stairs.

"Oh I'm so sorry Luna! When Carlie said she was having a sleepover I didn't think she meant with the Alpha and Luna." Her mom says running a hand through her dark red hair.

I put a kind smile on her face hoping it calms down her frazzled state.

"It's quite alright! I enjoy your daughters company. I was planning to watch Toy Story by myself but Carlie made it fun!" I assure her with an as happy as I can get in the morning voice. Carlie's mom nods he head then pick Carlie's sleeping body up. She then holds her and climbs up to their room in the pack house.

I then look down to see a peanut butter sandwich on the coffee table. That was enough to make me want to throw up.

I run to the nearest bathroom. I must have woken Landon up because he was hot on my heels.

I slid into the bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Landon holds my hair up into a makeshift ponytail, while rubbing light circles on my back.

"Doctors office?" Landon asks when I'm done. I quickly nod my head and we run over there.

Like last time, the doctor has me sit on the table then pee in a cup. Then we wait for him to come back with the results.

"Landon?" I ask grabbing his hand from the hospital table.

"Yes, baby?" Landon replies, squeezing my hand.

"What if it comes back negative? What if I can't get pregnant?" I panic. He stands up and pulls me into a tight hug.

The doctor walks in with a smile on his face.

"Your pregnant!" He says. Landon hugs me tighter and I feel tears flowing down my face. A smile makes its way into both, Landon and I's, faces.

"Okay now I'm going to need both of you to sit down so we can talk a little bit about this pregnancy." The doctor says sitting down on his spiny chair.

Landon sits down on the chair with me and holds my hand. A smile is still on his features.

*some of these things stated may not be correct but go with it*

"Okay, because this baby isn't a heat baby, this will be a more normal pregnancy for you. So you won't have extreme temperature spikes, your hormones won't be as crazy, and you won't have to have as many check ups. When your mate and you conceive while you're in the heat it tweaks how your pregnancy may go. A bonus is that because your pregnancy wasn't heat induced it will make your first birthing and all that go smoother." The doctor says standing up and getting ready to leave. He was about to open the door when he stopped.

"Also because you are a alpha female your pregnancy will be 5 months long. So in a few months your gender of the baby will be known." The doctor says, then leaves.

Landon smiles and picks me up.

"I love you baby." He says kissing me. He then drops to his knees and kisses my stomach. I place a hand over my mouth to keep my sobs in. I'm so overwhelmed with happiness.

"I love you too baby. Don't be causing mama any trouble now." Landon says hugging my stomach.

Landon and I then walk back to the kitchen so we can eat.

"Landon can I have a bacon sandwich?" I ask. I've never had a bacon sandwich but I'm really wanting one.

"Sure love." Landon says kissing my cheek. The grabbing supplies from the fridge.

Bryce then comes running into the room with a girl on his back.

Landon looks over to the female and growls at her and stands in front of me. His eyes are flickering between Red and his normal blue color.

Bryce doesn't like this and stands in front of this girl in a threatening tone.

"Back down Bryce. That bitch was helping that garbage Leo. She probably even hurt Olivia." Landon spits out. Bryce growls and narrows his eyes at Landon. Landon doesn't like this and takes a step towards Bryce.

"Back down Bryce." Landon says in his alpha tone. Bryce takes a step back and bows his head.

"Listen Landon." Bryce spits. "Don't talk about my mate like that. She didn't know anything."

"Anyone could say that." Landon growls, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head between his shoulder blades. I then peak my head out from behind Landon.

I look at the girl trying to see if I can remember her.

"Landon I haven't seen her before. She was never down there. I believe her." I say looking up at him. He looks hesitant when he nods his head.

"Fine. If Olivia believes you, then I will too. I don't apologize for my behavior." Landon grumbles out. Going back to the bacon. Which is probably burnt.

I reach my hand out towards the girl and shake her hand. She is really pretty.  She has purple and black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. (photo above)

"Hi! I'm Olivia. Sorry about that." I say offering her a friendly smile.

"Hello. I'm Phoenix! It's fine. He had every right to do that." She says smiling back. We have a little bit of chit chat before Landon's done with my sandwich.

I start eating when Dalton, Blair, and Denise come running down the stairs.

Phoenix is introduced to the rest of the family and we sit down and talk for awhile.

"Hey Olivia had a long day, we should get going. It was nice to meet you." Landon says shaking Olivia's hand.

I hug her and Landon hold my hand back to our room. I then close the door and Landon sits on the bed with me.

"Olivia, I think we should talk about preparing for a baby." Landon says smiling and putting me in his lap.

"Okay. What is there to talk about?" I ask.

"Well I think we should have our own house." Landon says. I nod my head.

Landon then go on and on about how the house should be. I guess we talked for a while because when I looked back at the clock I realized it was already time for bed.

I grab a night shirt and a pair of shorts and crawl into bed next to a shirtless Landon.

"Goodnight love. Good night baby." Landon says kissing me then my stomach.

"Good night babe." I said kissing him, the putting my head down on his chest falling asleep.


Edited x1
References: none that I intended to have or know of.
W.C: 1239

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