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Olivia's POV

I groan and hide my face in my hands.

"God no." I mutter. Out of all the people, he just had to tell Dalton.

Landon walked behind me and picked me up. He then sat in my seat and made me sit on his lap. Dalton laughed at my expression and still kept eating my cereal. I resumed eating the Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

It was a moment of awkward silence between Bryce, Landon, Dalton, and me. Dalton decided to break it.

"So Bullpup." Dalton started giving me an evil smirk. I gave him a warning look daring him to say something.

"Lace? I wouldn't take you as a girl who liked lace." Dalton said with a laugh. I growled and jumped at him but Landon kept me trapped in his arms.

"Don't listen to him, babaygirl." Landon tries telling me.

I turn around to Landon with my eyes bright blue.

"Let me go!" I roar scratching his arms. With my nails. Bryce prys Landon's arms off of me to let me blow off steam. I chase after Dalton ready to give him an aśs whooping.

I am chasing him around the sofa when I finally had enough, I flipped the chair ontop of him and straddled him. I roared loudly in his face. He kept trying to get up but I put my claws on his shoulders and whispered in his ear with a icy tone.

"If anyone and I mean anyone, hears about my thong incident I will personally staple your balls to your head. You hear me cupcake?"

He quickly nods his head and once I get up he runs towards Landon and jumps in his arms.

"Protect me from the mean lady." He teasingly says pointing at me. I breathe in when I look at the flipped over chair. I look back at the boys and fall on the ground. I lay down and just stare at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry cupcake." I finally say looking over at Dalton. Who is still eating my Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"I won't forgive you unless you will do something fun with me today." Dalton says smiling at me.

"Deal." I smile.

Dalton picks me up so I am on his back and then he sits me on the counter but Landon puts me back in his lap. I inspect Landon's forearm and run the pad of my thumb over the scrape marks.

"Hey Landon. Guess what Denise did?" Dalton says. Looking Landon dead in the eyes.

"What did my favorite little sister do?" Landon laughs while nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

"She went overboard on Liv's makeup." Dalton says pointing to my face with a spoon. Landon looks over my face.

"I need to tell her to not cake it because I can barely see my beautiful mates face under all the makeup." Landon pouts. I giggle and head up for our room. Dalton calls my name and I turn back around to see a smile on his face.

"Swimming?" Dalton asks. I nod my head and run towards the room. But of course I make a stop at Denise's room.

"Wipe my face off." I demand. She doesn't ask but complies with my order.

"Did I go overboard?" She asks meekly. I nod my head and invite her to go swimming with us.

After leaving Denise's room I head over to Landon and mines room. I walk over to the closet and go to the bathing suit section. I grab bright green and blue color blocked bathing suit (FIND IT IN THE OUTFIT BOOK)

I change into it and I walk out of the changing room. I see Landon looking through the swim trunk section and I stand beside him and help him choose. We pick out black and grey swim trunks and I let Landon go try it on. I then lay on the bed a fall asleep.


References: Not any that I intentionally put in there.

Edited x1

W.C: 680

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