50-A Pickle Fruit Smoothie

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What's up my Theater Thugs?send some covers, trailers, edits for this book to my Instagram account or my mail. Private Message me for either one of those!!! And The picture is of Olivia! Because we haven't seen one of those in a while! Peace✌🏼️


Olivia's POV

I woke up to Landon's arm around me and his other hand messing with my hair.

"Good morning love." Landon says kissing me lightly.

"Good morning, Bear." I say kissing him back and standing up to go to the bathroom.

I do my business and wash my hands.

Lifting my shirt up, I look in the mirror at my scars and my small baby bump. I place my hand over my bump and smile.

"Nothing will happen to you." I say softly looking at my bump.

Landon must have heard me because he knocked on the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Landon asks, through the door.

I put my shirt down and open the door for Landon.

"I'm great." I smile. He looks relieved and hugs me.

"I will never let anything happen to you and this baby. I promise you that." Landon says hugging me tighter. I nod my head, knowing he speaks the truth.

He walks to the mirror, stands behind me, and lifts up my shirt. Landon then puts his hands over my now noticeable bump and he smiles.

"I can't wait for a family of our own." Landon smiles. I smile in a agreement.

"Should we go look at house layouts?" Landon asks.

"Yeah, let me go change." I reply walking to the closet. I pull on a sweatshirt and sweats. I grab a pair of sandals and put my hair up in a pony tail.

"Are you ready?" Landon asks, peaking his head inside the closet.

"Yep." I reply, walking out of the bedroom and to the kitchen.

I grab a blender out and put in blueberries, strawberries, bananas, apples, and grapes. I was looking through the fridge and my eyes landed on a jar of pickles. That looks really good. So I put a pickle in the blender along with my fruit. I then grab some milk and pour it into the blender and blend it up.

Landon appears from the stairs and grabs a protein bar.

Once my smoothie concoction was done I poured it into my cup.

I take a sip and let me tell you something. That was good!

I guess I had some on my lips because Landon walked up to me and set my drink down.

"You've got some on your lips. Can I have a taste?" He asks seductively. I giggle and he takes it as a yes.

Landon then kisses me and I feel his tough swipe over my top and bottom lip.

He then pulls away and I see him look like he is in deep thought.

"Is that pickles I taste?" He asks cringing in what looks like disgust.

"Why? There's nothing wrong with pickles in a fruit smoothie." I defend crossing my arms over my chest.

"I never said that." He says putting his hands up.

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