35- Rob and Chyna

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A/N: pictures above are of Crawford and Knox.
Crawford is played by Jean-Luc Bilodeau
Knox is played by Austin Victoria


Landon growls and brought his hand down on the table. The table broke at the end where Landon and I were.

"My mate will be assigned Knox and Crawford as guards." Landon commands. Two boys on the sides of the table stand up and nod there head.

"It will be our pleasure to guard the Luna, Alpha." They say together while nodding there heads.

"Good. After this, Olivia, I, and both of you will have a meeting. Next thing, we will be strengthening our Border Patrol. We need to ask our neighboring pack to send down some pack members to guard." Landon suggests rubbing his scruff on his face.

"Alpha Maverick and some of your other strong allies can have a meetings and maybe get more warriors and guards?" River suggests.

"That's a good idea." I say looking at Landon he nods his head at me and then ends the meeting. Everyone leaves but Knox and Crawford.

"Alpha, Luna." They say bowing their heads in respect.

"Olivia this is Knox." Landon says motioning to a boy with light brown hair, blue eyes, some tattoos, and is a little shorter than Landon so maybe 6 foot.

"Hi Knox." I say putting out my hand.

"Luna." He says shaking my hand. I'm gonna need to tell him not to call me Luna. I really don't like it. I'm not used to it. I feel like an old woman.

"This is Crawford." Landon says shaking his hand. Crawford is a little shorter than Knox, chocolate brown hair, and brown eyes. He has a kind smile.

"Hello Crawford." I say sticking my hand out. He has a firm handshake. He bows his head.

"Okay, Olivia I have to go, but you will stay with these two. You can go around the pack house, go to the game room, but you may not leave the pack house. It's for your own safety. I'm sorry but it has to be this way. You need to have a guard with you at all times unless your going to the bathroom, in that case go to Denise's room. I love you gattino. Be safe." Landon says kissing me on the lips. I kiss him back.

"I love you too, Bear." I smile.

He smiles back at me then walks to the pack office. Probably to make calls.

I walk down to the empty living room and sit down on the couch. I grab the remote and start flipping through channels until I land on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Once I pressed it, the show ended.

"Are you kidding me?" I curse. Then a different show turns on.

"Oh I love this show!" Crawford says sitting down criss cross in front of me, staring at the TV.

Knox scoffs and just sits down beside me crossing his arms.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask looking at him with my eyebrows raised.

"Nothing." He shrugs. I roll my eyes.

"Are you for real? You act like your bored. Let me tell you something, I'm not boring Knox." I said flipping my hair and I see a small smile reach Knox's lips.

"Shhhhh! It's about to start." Crawford shushes us.

Then the words "Rob and Chyna" pop up on the screen. We probably watched that for an hour until Taylor came down stairs.

"Olivia?!" Taylor gasps looking really offended. Knox stands up in front of Taylor.

"Taylor?!" I mimic him.

"Your disrespecting the Luna." Knox growls.

"Chill Knox. Taylor is my friend and he can talk to me like that. Isn't that right Tater-tot?" I say squeezing Taylor's red cheeks.

"So what was the problem?" Crawford asks pausing Rob and Chyna.

"Nothing. Keep watching your boring shit." Knox says sitting back where Crawford is.

"What's wrong Tayter?" I say teasing him.

"You are watching drama-infused TV shows without me?! You also have two very sexy men next to you and did not even give me a call?!" Taylor gasps and puts a hand on his forehead. I roll my eyes at how dramatic he's being.

"Sorry. Do you want to join us?" I asks but it was pointless.

Taylor was already putting himself in between Knox and Crawford. I start laughing at the confused face Knox has. Crawford was to busy watching Chyna yell at Rob to even notice.

An hour later Landon comes down the stairs and dismisses Crawford and Knox. Taylor just leaves. Landon walks with me to his office and starts telling me what's gonna be going on.

"Amore, we will be having a meeting with a few powerful packs to discuss this matter and putting a stop to it. You will have guards outside our door and have heavy duty locks on the Windows. Knox and Crawford will be your permanent guards if you liked them. We need to train warriors harder in order to prepare us." Landon is still talking but I just keep nodding my head and lay down on the couch. Landon lays behind me and we fall asleep at 4:00 in the afternoon. Exhausted from all the drama.

Edited x1

References: Rob and Chyna. All rights and credits go to the show Rob and Chyna. I don't own the show or the franchise.

W.C: 898

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