30- Helping Hand

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The music was beating loud and Landon still had his arm around me. He wanted me by him. Then I saw Taylor. He ran up to me and wrapped me and Landon in a hug.

"Happy Birthday Alpha Landon and wonderful dancing Luna Olivia." He says while squeezing us tighter. Landon looked uncomfortable from how close Taylor's hand was to his butt. I giggle and then Landon looked over at me with a smile that made my heart flutter.

Taylor let go and ran back onto the dance floor and danced crazy. I laughed at his happy expression. He's never not happy when he gets to dance.

"Let's go dance!" I exclaim tugging Landon to the dance floor. He laughed and we danced for hours on end.

Before you know it, the party slowly ended around midnight.

Landon exited with me in his arms. He was holding me like a princess. He carried me up the stairs while I had one arm around his neck and the other holding my black heels.

Once we got to our bedroom door. He opened it and carried me all the way to the bed. I sat up and put my shoes in front of the bed. I heard the shower running and I slipped into the bathroom hoping to surprise Landon. I slipped off my dress, then took off my sticky bra and panties.

I slid in the shower behind Landon I squirted Landon's shampoo in my hand and started running it through his hair. He must have heard me enter because he wasn't surprised. He just smiled a leaned into my touch while he grabbed some shampoo and massaged my hair, I groaned and he shivers. We both wash our hair off then he conditions my hair. He then washes that off.

I grabs my hips and pulls me too him. I grab body wash and pour into my hands. I start spreading it out around his body. Landon groans and his head falls back I am rubbing my hands down his abs and went lower. Once I got down to his pubic bone. Landon grabbed my hands and started giving me 'a helping hand' washing his you know what. His eyes flashed red and then back to his normal color. He then grabbed soap and poured some in his hands. He looks up at with eyes basically asking if it was okay. I just nod my head and he washes me.

We rinse off and then get out. He wraps a fuzzy warm towel around me then grabs one for him. We dry off then head back into the bedroom. Landon didn't even bother to put boxers on. I might as well not bother to put my undergarments on either. It is his birthday.

Landon had a surprised look on his face when I skipped the closet and got in bed naked.  He wrapped the covers around us and I snuggled up to him.

"I love you bear. Happy birthday." I say kissing his lips. He smiles against my lips and then replies, "I love you too. You made my birthday wonderful, sweetheart."

I smile and then Dalton barges through the door.

"I have got a story to tell you!" He says sitting in the chair not even glancing at the bed.

Landon growls and shields me.

"The greatest most best thing has happened to me tonight!" He says sighing and looking at the ceiling.

I cough."Um Dalton?"

He looks at us and his eyes widened. He blushes and looks at the ground.

"I found my mate." He mumbles. I caught what he said and I smiled warmly at him.

"I'm so happy for you!" I squeal. He smiles and Landon smiles at him.

"We can talk about this tomorrow. Go to your mate." Landon says

Dalton nods them runs outside.

"I know that you want to mate with me right now but I want you to be completely ready and I want it to be special. Go to sleep baby." Landon says kissing me. I nod and kiss him back and I slip into sleep.

*SHOULD I ADD A SMUT BOOK FOR SMUT? Or do you guys want no smut*


References: none that are intended or that I know of.

Edited x1

W.C: 714

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