1. The girl with the Elements

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'That was seriously one of the best movies I have ever seen. When he revealed to his mother that he was the killer... Oh man, that was dope!' Cisco exclaimed as he and Barry got out of the movie theater. They turned right and started to walk down the sidewalk.

'I knew something like that was coming... but I have to agree with you. It was one hell of a good movie' Barry replied.

'So, when are we gonna go back? There are at least 11 movies that we still have to see' Cisco asked, looking at Barry.

"As long as we don't have to fight crime, we can do what we want right?" Barry smiled at his friend. Suddenly there was a loud scream and many citizens turned to see where the sound came from. A dark blue sports car was driving at full speed towards a group pedestrians passing the street. Barry was about to speed over when something out of the ordinary happened. A hooded figure appeared in front of the group pedestrians, raised their hands and pulled a wall of concrete out of the ground. The car crashed against the wall and came to a halt with a massive bang. Glass shattered everywhere and smoke came from behind the wall. Cisco and Barry shared a look before hurrying over to the group of people standing behind the wall.

'Who was that? A new hero?' one woman whispered to her friend, a shocked expression on her face.

'It was a lady hero!' a small boy exclaimed. He broke himself free of his mothers clutch to touch the wall of concrete. The hero in question was already gone. Barry looked rapidly around, trying to find their mystery girl. He saw a dark haired girl rushing into a store on the other side of the street. She looked behind her and her eyes met with Barry's. She smiled and disappeared into the store. 

'Hey Bar' Cisco started. Barry looked around and saw that Cisco was looking at the concrete wall, running his hands over the sharp edge. 'This must have been a Meta. Did you see where she was heading?'

'No. She was too fast' Barry bumbled, looking at the store entrance once more.

'We need to get back to S.T.A.R. Labs... I'll alert Dr. Wells and Caitlin. I'm sure they would like to know about our new Meta Human' Cisco spoke, looking at Barry. He noticed that Barry wasn't paying attention to him and hit his arm.

'Bro, you listening or what?'

'Sorry. Yeah, I'll see you there' Barry said quickly, his mind was still on something else. He speeded off and left Cisco behind with a dumbfound expression on his face.

'Guess, I'll drive back alone... why do I even take him with me in the car... every time he just runs off' Cisco mumbled to himself, taking the car keys out off his pocket and walking off into the direction of where his car was parked.


'So we're dealing with a meta human who can control brick?' Caitlin asked. She stood by the computer desk and looked at Barry.

'Yes' Cisco said, walking into the cortex. 'a girl'. He put his keys into a small jar on the desk and took off his jacket. 'She literally pulled the concrete out of the street to create a wall of protection when the car speeded up to them'

'When we got to the wall she was gone. I saw her on the other side of the street. She had dark hair' Barry said. Cisco turned to him.

'I thought you said you didn't see where she was going?'

'She ran into a nearby store'

'Mr. Ramon. See if there is CCTV footage of the stores surrounding the street and see if Mr. Allen recognizes her' Dr Wells said.

'Save yourself the trouble' a calm voice said. Everybody turned to the entry of the Cortex. A girl with long brown curly hair and a pale expression walked in. 

War Of Hearts // Cisco Ramon (REWRITING CHAPTERS)Where stories live. Discover now