5. Haunted

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A couple of hours later, Barry walked into Jitters and was greeted by Iris. "Hey".

"Hey Iris, how is your day?".

"Just the same, making sure people get their news and getting some coffee so I don't get grumpy. Hoping to get some more news about the Flash to post on my blog" Iris smiled. "What about yours?".

"Well, I visited my dad. He was glad to see me" Barry replied.

"Were you?".

"Yeah. It was good to spend some time with him and talk about some things. It did us both good".

"Great" Iris spoke. "I'd like to stay a bit longer but I have to finish this article. Your lady friend is over there by the way". Iris pointed at Quinn who was sitting in a chair by the window, a drawing pad in her hands. Barry said goodbye to Iris and walked over to Quinn. The pencil that she was holding moved over the paper, lines creating a beautiful image. It was a face. A face surrounded by roses. She noticed Barry and looked up, dropping her pencil on the pad.

"Hey Barry".

"Hi. Nice drawing. You have talent" Barry smiled, sitting down in the chair on the opposite of her.

"Thank you. How was your dad?". Barry shrugged.

"He was glad to see me. We both missed each other and it did us well". Quinn glanced and placed her hand on Barry's knee.

"It will be alright". Barry's face flushed and she pulled back her hand. Her phone beeped. She picked it up and looked at the screen. Quinn got up and stuffed her drawing equipment into her black backpack.

"Cisco is trying to track down Dr. Horror. I'm heading back to help him". Barry nodded and stood up as well. He wanted her to stay, but he couldn't ask. That would be weird. Having her around was so much fun. Especially since Iris was busy with Eddie and her new job. Quinn was always smiling, but behind that smile Barry saw a darkness. A darkness that he wanted to get rid off. Her past was still haunting her and Barry felt bad. It made him sad to see her like that and he didn't even know her for that long.

"Barry...?" Quinn questioned. The speedster shook up from his thoughts.

"Yes, sorry. What is it?".

"Well, I asked you if you are coming to S.T.A.R. Labs as well?".

"Later. I want to spend some time alone. I guess I'll see you later" Barry replied. Quinn nodded and turned around.

"Bye Barry".

"Bye Quinn".


"I see you got my message" Cisco spoke as Quinn walked in. She threw her bag on the desk and took a seat in the chair in between Caitlin and Cisco.

"What did you find?". Cisco scrolled with his console and clicked on a black and white photograph.

"Our friend Augustus used to be in a Freakshow 'Moonlight Theatre'. He was the ringmaster. That explains his terrible taste in fashion. Anyways, his freakshow was scratched in the 1960's and since then he has been trying to get revenge on the people who took what he loved most. He never really found a way. Now I think with his powers he got from the dark matter he can. He wants people to see the show he created. A crowd. He's hiding out in the old Amphila Theatre. We have to confront him. Tonight" Cisco explained.

"Absolutely not. It's way too dangerous" Dr. Wells broke in.

"Seriously?" Cisco sighed.

"I'm sorry Dr. Wells, but Cisco has a point. We need to catch this guy before he does god knows what to those children...' Quinn spoke.

War Of Hearts // Cisco Ramon (REWRITING CHAPTERS)Where stories live. Discover now