5.1. Mission Impossible

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The next day, sitting in the Cortex, Team Flash were discussing the matter of yesterday.

"Captain Cold is back? Well, that's great" Caitlin annoyingly said, looking through some police reports that Barry had taken from CCPD.

"Don't forget Mick Rory and Lisa Snart. She's been leaving her gold throughout the whole city"

"She's back too? How lovely" Cisco worriedly said. Quinn looked at him with a confused expression.

"Lisa Snart fancies Cisco. She kissed him" Caitlin explained.

"Oh" was all that Quinn said.

"Yeah. Well before she tortured me. She's evil" Cisco bickered. He didn't want Caitlin to talk about Lisa while Quinn was around. The girl he was actually in love with.

"Anyways. I have a shift at Jitters. So, call me or whatever when something's wrong". Quinn took her red back pack and swung in around her shoulder before turning around and walking out of the cortex.

"See ya" Cisco yelled, seeing Quinn quickly wave before she disappeared from view.

"So. Is there anything I can do to help? I have no current case to work on so. I'd be happy to help" Barry noted.

"You can help Cisco look for cold or heat signals around the city" Caitlin suggested.

"Yeah and eventually run around the city checking every found location" Cisco smiled.

"Sure" Barry replied.

"Team Flash vs. The rogues round 2?" Cisco said, spinning around on his chair, immediately starting to slam the keys on his computer.

"I think we're already on round 4" Caitlin added. Cisco snorted and looked at Barry.

"Let's find our rogues then".


"Two cups of strong black coffee, please". Quinn looked up from the counter and stared right into the eyes of Eddie Thawne.

"Oh, hey Eddie didn't see you" the girl said, faking a smile.

"Is there something wrong? You look like something's bothering you" Eddie asked. Quinn wanted to spill the beans. Tell him about the feelings she had for Cisco, tell him about the jealousy she had felt when Caitlin had told them about Cisco and Lisa Snart, but she couldn't, so she just nodded it off.

"Nothing. Just a bit tired".

"Anways, two cups of black coffee you said?".


"Is Iris with you? She's a fun girl to talk with. Haven't seen her in a while" Quinn noted, while she grabbed two cups and a coffee can.

"No. She's busy with work. A big article. I'm actually here on a break from work. Took Ca-". Eddie was cut off by an annoyed Captain Singh appearing from the right.

"What's taking so long. I don't have all day long" he sneered, he looked at Quinn and his expression changed.

"Sorry. I didn't know it was you. Barry's girlfriend right?" he asked as Quinn poured some coffee in the cups and shove them towards the other side of the counter. Before the girl could reply, Captain Singh had already grabbed his coffee and was walking towards the exit. Eddie looked at her with a surprised expression.

"I didn't know you and Barry were a thing?". Quinn sighed and rolled her eyes.

"We're not. I don't know why Captain Singh thinks that". Eddie sheepishly smiled and handed the girl some money before following Captain Singh's actions.

The door opened once again and Cisco walked in. He looked at Quinn and started to smile.

"Hey you, aren't you supposed to go find someone" the girl softly said.

"Yeah, well. I left Caitlin behind the computer and Barry is searching the city. We've got some pretty good leads" Cisco replied. "When is your break? I wanna take you out for lunch. You didn't seem so happy this morning. We can talk about that too?" Cisco beamed. Quinn looked at the clock and nodded.

"I'm normally done in an hour". She turned to the girl next to her.

"Cassie, can you cover up for me?". The blond girl smiled and waved Quinn off. Quinn grabbed her bag and walked to the front of the counter and together with Cisco she walked out of Jitters.

"So where are we going" Quinn asked after 7 minutes. She looked at Cisco and the guy smirked. "Don't tell me it's The Big Belly Burger...".

"Don't worry

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"Don't worry. It's a little place I discovered last month. You can get anything you want, from breakfast to ice cream and the best part is, you can watch movies around there, read books, comics or even play games" Cisco happily explained.

"Well, why are we still walking then" Quinn exclaimed, grabbing Cisco's hand and pulling him through the crowd. She was dying to check that place out. Soon they halted in front of a little place called 'Mission Impossible: food and fun". They were about to walk in when Cisco's phone ringed. He picked it up and his happy expression turned into a frown.

"Okay yeah. Thanks for telling me. We'll be on our way" he nodded, before he hung up and stuffed the phone back into his pocket. Quinn looked at him with a very confused look. "It's gonna be a rain check, they found Snart's hiding spot".

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