Chapter 1

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Author POV

Sad, lonely and broken were just a few words to describe Emma Swan's life. The 16-year-old had been abandoned at birth, left for dead on the roadside. She had been found by a young boy only about 6-years-old, who had ran away from home. Not that she remembered it, only what she had read in the news article. Emma never saw or heard of that boy again, after he had taken her to the police station.

Emma was then put into the foster system, where year after year she saw children come and go. Families taking them in, getting the parents they wished for. And finally at 16, Emma was going to get hers, but little did she know what their true intentions with her were.

She couldn't wait to meet her new family, Emma began packing her bag with the few things she had, when a few of the younger boys come into her room. "The ugly duckling is finally leaving! Who the hell would want her." Said Jake who was about 12-years-old "Call me all the names you want, but like you said I'm leaving and your not!" She sassed poking out her tongue.

The boys all looked at her a little shocked, Emma had never really been the type of person to talk back. Knowing there was never any point but today she didn't care, she was never gonna to see their idiot faces again. There was suddenly a honk of a car, Emma looked out her window as two people exited the car. It felt so surreal to her, so many times had she looked out this window to families coming to get other children.

But finally, it was her turn. After 16 years of teasing and fighting for the smallest bits of food, she was going to have a family, parents, people to call mum and dad. Emma was beaming with joy "Well that's my ride" she said smugly passing through the boys and running down the stairs, bag in hand. Sitting on the bottom step the doorbell rang and Mrs. Holland came to open it.

Emma sat out of view as a dark haired couple in their forties came inside "Mr & Mrs. Booth, ready to meet your daughter?" Mrs. Holland said "More than ready," The women said her voice sounded so kind and sweet "You can come out Emma," Mr. Holland said. Emma slowly walked up to the couple. "Hi" she shyly said still not believing this was really happening, she was waiting for them to take one look at her and run for the hills.

"Hello dear, I'm Simon and this is my wife Jackie but you can call us mum and dad if you'd like," Simon said holding his hand out for Emma to shake it, which she gladly did but was instead he pulled her in for a hug. Emma hesitates for a moment before placing her head on Simon's chest as tears of utter joy streamed down her face. "I'll give you three a minute and I'll be back with the last few things to sign." Mrs. Holland said before walking off to her office.

After a few more moments Emma and Simon broke the hug and Jackie gave her one also wiping away her tears. "You don't have to worry, we are never going to let you go." She said sweetly 'And she really meant what she said.' After the forms were signed Simon and Jackie lead Emma to the car, it wasn't anything fancy just a normal family car.

In the car "So... where do you live?" Emma shyly asked from the back seat "Storybrooke" Jackie said "Storybrooke! No way!" Emma said with shock "Yes, you know it? It's sort of a little hidden gem. Most people don't know it." Simon said, "Yeah I lived there for about year when I was 6."

Flashback - Emma 6 years old

"Emma! Hurry up! I have to get to work now!" Emma's current foster mum said. she quickly tired her shoe lasses 'not doing a good job' and ran down the stairs where the older kids were waiting "I'm sorry" she shyly said as she got pulled out the door. It was her very first day at school and she was very nervous.

When they pulled up she, along with the few other children, where pretty much push out of the car before it speeds off. The older kids went on their way leaving Emma standing by the curb alone and scared. She looked around seeing parents walking hand in hand with their children into the school. Emma started crying, that was something she wanted so badly. A mother to love her and a father to protect her.

"Sweetheart are you okay?" A sweet voice said as Emma looked up at a light brown haired woman kneeling in front of her and a little boy with mousy blonde hair next to her. "Where are your parents dear?" She asked Emma shook her head "Oh so you have no one to walk you into school?" Emma nodded.

"Mummy! Can she come with us?" The little boy said with a big smile, Emma sniffed back her tears "Of course she can. If she would like too?" The women said holding out her hand. Emma finally spoke "Yes please" she shyly said and the women smile "Wonderful, now do you have a name sweetie?" The lady said as Emma grabbed her hand "Emma" she said and the three began walking into the school with Emma on one side and the little boy on the other.

"That's a very pretty name, I'm Ruth. And this little charmer over here is David." Ruth said as David gave Emma a wave and a little smile that she gladly return. "Now let's get you two settled in" Ruth kindly said. All the fear of school flew away. Emma thought to herself, maybe she could be loved. Maybe Ruth would take her away from that terrible place.

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