Chapter 21

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Author POV 

It had been a full month of Killian living with Emma and Henry. Killian was stilling recovering but doing a lot better. At first, he particularly lived in Emma's bed and seeing as she only had a two bedroom apartment they simply had to share, not that either minded. Henry loved having a man around the house again. Emma was scared he might not like the idea of another man sleeping where his father once did but Henry didn't seem to mind, saying he was just glad to see his mum happy again.

Killian and Emma had yet to put a label on whatever they were and still yet to consummate their relationship sexually either. One reason being Killian's poor health and second as of late Henry was always around and even at night the walls were paper thin. Killian had forced Emma back to work after the first week but now regretted it as that was the only real alone time he and Emma had. And now finally feeling back to himself, even going for a run every day, all he wanted was well what every man wants. But Killian didn't just want sex, he wanted to make love to Emma.

Emma defiantly felt the same, it had been over a year now since Neal passed and due to Emma's past, sex wasn't something she would do with just anyone. Only someone she truly loved and that loved her back. And so far that had only been Neal, but now Killian was here. The man she never stopped loving. She decides enough is enough, it was something she needed, not just a wanted. She needed him, needed to feel him between her thighs, needed to release the tension that was continuously in the air.

"Thank you so much, Regina!" Emma said before hanging up the phone. She had arranged for Henry to spend the night at Regina and Robin's. Of course, Regina knew the reason why but promised to not tell Robin as he would tell Killian and Emma wanted it to be a surprise when he got home from work. It was his first night back, only working till 10 pm instead of 2 am like he used too.

Wanting everything to be perfect, Emma filled the bedroom with little candles and running a bath, making sure it would be still warm when Killian returned. She stood in her walk-in robe staring at the black lace nightgown (that didn't really cover much) when she heard the door open. "Emma? Henry?" Killian called out. Emma shut the robe door, heading into the lounge "Hey" she said giving him a passionate kiss.

"I'm not complaining love, but I don't believe Henry would like to walk in on this" Killian said as his hands gripped her waist "That's true but" Killian raised a brow "seeing as Henry is at Regina's for the night I-" Emma wasn't even able to finish as Killian lifted her up, connecting their lips. Emma wrapped her legs around his waist, deepening the kiss letting a moan escape.

Without breaking their lips Killian carried Emma to her bedroom. Having to come up for air, Killian lightly placed Emma back to the ground, now seeing the room lit with candles and steam coming from the bathroom. "What's all this?" he asked with a smile "It's for you" Emma held his hand, guiding him towards the bathroom where the tub was filled with warm water and bubbles. "Get in, I'll wait out here."

Emma had it all planned out, while Killian was in the bath she would change into the lace outfit she brought and put on some nice music, then wait on the bed for his return. "Shouldn't I be the one doing this for you?" Killian questioned "I was the one that messed up" he frowned, Emma lifted his chin with her soft fingers, bring his lip to her own. "Killian, I'm sick of thinking about the past. All I care about now is the future, our future."

Killian couldn't even speak, after everything that had happened he didn't feel like he deserved her love. After all the pain he put her through, she was standing here telling him she wanted a future with him. Killian simply nods walking into the bathroom but pulling her with him "I think you deserve to relax as much as me. Join me?" And how could Emma say no to that 'well the outfit can wait for another time.' She thought as her hands reached out for the buttons of his dark shirt.

Helping each other out of their clothes, Killian sat back into the warm water instantly feeling his muscles relax. Luckily the bath was fairly big, so Emma was able to sit in between his legs. Snuggled up to his chest as his arms wrapped tightly around her. His lips placing feather light kisses behind her ear, earning a shiver to run up her spine. Tilting her head, giving them better access. Her hand reaching behind, running her finger through his hair.

"I love you" Emma whisper, her heart rate increasing. It was the first time she had said it since at the hospital. And it was a big thing her for, she never knew if Killian had heard her and was scared to ask, in case he didn't. But laying in the water, his arms wrapped around her, it just felt right. Felt like this was where she was always meant to be. "I love you too."

Moving slightly so Emma was now facing him, breast pressed up against his chest. Eyes locking with only love in them, hearts beating together as if one, minds running wild with hopes of their future. It that moment, everything else faded away. All the years of pain, heartbreak, abuse, and torture felt like nothing compared to the love, devotion, and happiness they both felt in that moment. This was their happy ending and either was going to let it slip away. They would fight till their last breath, fight anything and anyone to keep each other safe. To never let go, to grow old together, to live as one. 

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