Chapter 5

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Woohoo! I found out how to restore chapters! So happy I didn't have to write all over again! :) 

P.s If you haven't I'd love if you go check out 'The Royal Affair' xx 

Author POV 

As the Ambiance arrived Emma stayed with Killian holding his hand the whole time as emergency services began freeing his legs. Emma hadn't even thought once about calling home, as she was too worried for Killian. Yes, he was a smug idiot but no one should be in his pain. Finally, free, Killian was taken to the hospital with Emma by his side.

Once there, they were separated as Killian needed emergency surgery on his legs if he wanted any hope of ever walking again. Emma was taken into a small room as she waited for the doctor, she messaged her family and David. After being checked over, she only had a few bruises. Exiting the room she was pretty much bowled over as David wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "Thank god your okay! I just got you back!" David said with a few tears falling.

"I may be okay but Killian may not be" Emma weakly said "Killian? Why were you with him?" David said. Emma had forgotten to mention him in her text. "He offered me a lift home." Is all she said. Even though David and Killian weren't friends anymore he was very worried, so he stayed with Emma waiting to hear some new.

As Jackie and Simon were still at work Emma had said she was fine and not to worry. But maybe deep down she wanted them to still come, even if she told them not too, but they didn't. Killian had been in surgery for about 2 hours when Emma spotted a couple around Jackie and Simon age walking in, the women had jet black hair and the man's more of a dark brown.

They began walking closer to them "David?" The women said "Lily" David replies with a half smile giving the women a hug "He is still in surgery" David said, they nodded and walked off toward the front deck "Who was that?" Emma whispers. "Can't guess from just looking at them?" David said. Emma looked at the couple again, realising "Killian's parents?" David nods.

"David do you know why Killian charged? Snow said he was your best friend?" Emma asked. David sighed "I wish I knew, I miss my best friend" Emma could see the pain in David's eyes and wrapped her arms around him. As they waited David thought back to all those years after losing Ruth and meeting Killian.

Flashback David - 7 year old

It had been 2 months since Ruth death and David was being placed in a foster home. David had been very lucky to be able to stay in Stroybrooke, Mrs. Lily Jones had been Ruth's boss and when she heard of the terrible accident she decided to take David in. The car pull up to a massive house about 5 minute drive out of Stroybrooke. It was no secret the Jones family were rich. David hopping out following to a big door.

It opened to a tall lanky man "Ah! Master David. I'm Radcliffe please follow me" Radcliffe said and David did as he was told. Walking through the big hall David couldn't believe his eyes. It was if he was in an art gallery, not a home. "Madam Lily, Master David is here," Radcliffe said poking his head in one of the rooms.

Lily walked out, embracing David in a hug "You don't need to worry, you're safe now" She said with a kind smile, David returned a weak one "Now come, I'll show you your room. I hope you don't mind sharing? I think it would be good for you" She asked leading David up the big staircase in the middle of the room "No that's fine Madam" David politely said "Oh sweetie you don't have to call me that. Lily is fine" David nods.

"Liam! Killian!" Lily calls out, just then two boys, one around David's age and the other a little older, run into the room. "Boys this is David, remember I told you he was staying a little while?" They nod "I want you to get him settled in and be down for dinner at 6, Killian he will share with you," Lily said, Killian screwed up his face, earning a glare from his mother before she left the three boys.

"I'm Liam, I'm 12," Liam said with a smile "David I'm 7" he shyly replayed "Killian I'm 8, now come on let's get you settle before mum yells at us." The three boys played together the rest of the afternoon, Killian was surprised at how much he liked David.

"Why haven't I seen you at school before?" David asked as Storybrooke only had one Primary School. Killian seemed to tense at the question "Sorry did I say something wrong?" David said worried "No, I'm just homeschooled." Killian dryly said, David could sense something was wrong but he wasn't sure what. "And Liam also?" Killian shook his head "Only me, mum believes I had special attention"

David went to asked more but Radcliffe showed up "Come on boys, don't want to be late for dinner" The boys nod and follow Radcliffe to the dinning room. There was a man sitting at the head of the table who David hadn't seen. Radcliffe kindly helped David into the high set as he did Killian. David couldn't help giggling as Killian drop all his weight like a rag doll making Radcliffe hold all of it, lifting him to the seat.

"Killian!" The man at the head of the table yelled: "You've had all day to mess around, dinner is not the place to be silly." He scolded. Lily placed her had on his shoulder "Brennan he's just a boy, you were just like him once" she said calming him, he just huffed and started to eat his food "Honey, would you like to say hello to David?" David gave a kind smile "Hello Sir" he shyly said.

"Sir? I like him already!" Brennan said with a smile, Killian and Liam both rolled their eyes. They sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the meal. And going off to bed soon after, "Killian?" David said once the two boys lay in their beds "Yeah?" Killian replayed "You won't leave me right? I'll already lost a sister, I don't want to lose a brother too" David said a tear rolling down his cheek as he looked up at the ceiling.

Killian came over sitting on David's bed causing him to sit up also "I'll never leave, you're my first real friend." Killian said beaming with joy "Pinky swear?" David said holding up his pinky "Pinky swear!" Killian state shaking their pinky's together as smiles filled both boys faces. 

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