Chapter 20

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Author POV

Emma started visiting a lot more and even brought Henry along. Her and Lily's had loved catching up also but obviously wishing it had been under other circumstances. It had been a whole 2 months and Killian had been put on life support and wasn't responding to anything, Emma stayed holding his hand as Lily spoke with the doctor outside.

"Mrs. Jones, I understand this is hard. But you need to make the decision. He isn't getting any better." Lily started to break down, Emma heard her cries "I'll be right back" she said kissing his cheek and leaving the room to calm Lily down, knowing what the doctor's must of said. It was so hard for Emma not to break down herself. And she wasn't the only one who knew what happened. Killian became angry, he had to fight, fight harder than he ever had before. But he couldn't stop his mind going blank again.

Killian felt like it had been only hours since then but as he heard his family and friends voice, he knew it's had been much longer then he realized, a whole 2 weeks more had passed. "I'll let you say your goodbyes" Killian heard, what he guessed to be his doctor say. One by one everyone starting saying there goodbyes, Rose and Ave cries filled my room. Both placing wet kisses on Killian's cheek before Snow and Regina took them out after saying their own goodbyes.

Next was Robin, Roland, David, and Henry before the young boys also left. Killian was screaming on the inside, telling them not to end his life, that he wasn't ready. Liam was next then his mother, Lily was a complete mess Liam having to drag her away. And last was Emma, her tears leaving a wet patch on his chest. "Why couldn't you of just of keep your mouth shut all those years ago. We could be happy right now. We could be married with children, having our happily ever after." Emma's cried became louder.

"Why couldn't you fight your us! Fight for me! Even after leaving me I still love you! And here you are leaving me again! We were meant to grow old together! God Killian! Just wake up!" Emma held on so tight not ready to leave him for good. "It's time," the Doctor said re-entering the room. Emma wasn't letting go, they would have to pry her away from him but didn't. Lily just nods to the Doctor who's hand reaches for the switch to turn off the life support. And that was it. Killian felt the blackness pulling him in, Emma cries being the final thing he was going to hear.

But something snapped inside him, he was going to fight it until the last minute. He was going to fight for her, fight for himself. Yelling, shouting, screaming in this mind "No! NO! NOOOO! I'm not done!!" He just wanted to hold her one last bloody time before he was gone, before he could never feel her sweet tender lips, smell her beautiful scent, look into her stunning emerald eyes. "Bloody move!" He shouts. "I just want to hold her!"

On the outside he was just a lifeless body, laying on the bed. Emma sitting crying into his chest. Everyone waiting for that awful long beeping sound, but it wasn't coming. Emma didn't even notice the hand wrapping tightly around her waist. Silent filled the room, the Doctor was in a state of shock. After 3 months, Killian finally was responding. "Emma?" He crocked, his throat dry. Emma's head whipped up, Killian slowly but finally opened his eyes giving her a weak smile.

Emma continued crying but now tears of utter joy, before crashing her lips on his. Killian finally being able to kiss her back. Sighs of relief filled the room, once Killian and Emma's moment was over David and Robin gave him a hug before leaving to find their wife's and children. The Doctor came over checking Killian out, making sure he was okay. He wasn't the fit and healthy man he had been. Now pretty much skin and bones but he was alive and breathing.

Stepping back a little but holding tightly onto Killian's hand, Emma allowed Lily and Liam to embrace him. "I'm sorry" Killian whispers, tears of his own falling, Lily gave him a smile "Sweetheart I still love you, and don't be sorry. I understand." Soon the nurse came in needing to run some test. Killian didn't wish to be alone wanting Emma by his side no matter what. "I'll just be outside okay?" He nods pulling her down for a kiss before letting her go.

Killian was kept in for another week, Emma coming by every day with Henry. Henry actual really liked Killian and they got along really well. Killian and Emma didn't discuss what their relationship was, they just worried about him getting better. Once Killian's weight was a little better and he had the strength to walk, he was discharged, the only thing was where was he going to go. "What do you mean? I'll just go to my apartment" Killian said confused.

David sighed "She burnt it down" Killian's head shot up, it was the first they spoke of Milah "What?!" He shouted standing abruptly, "Calm down Killian before you hurt yourself" Emma sweetly said, pulling him to sit back beside her. "You luckily I'm in the police force otherwise you most likely would have been dead by the time the others got there. Milah was gone when we arrived and you weren't breathing. I did CRP and then you were taken away in the ambulance. We tried to find her, going to your place to find it a light and Milah standing out the front laughing, it was sickening. I've made sure she has been put away for good."

Killian just nods "We were going to help her" he quietly said to Emma "I know, but all that matters now is your okay." Emma said getting a little nervous before asking the next question "Do you want to stay with me? My place isn't very big bu-" Killian kissed her passionately, David just stood there awkwardly. "Of course, love" Emma heart skipped, it had been so long since she heard him call her love and it was the best thing, she was happy to have him back and had no intention of letting him go. 

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