Chapter 23

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Author POV - Robin and Regina's apartment.

"Idiot" David said returning to the lounge. "Who?" Robin asked. "We have a lead and Killian thought it was all this fault." Emma stayed completely quiet, but her eyes flickered with confusion "Why would he think that?" Snow asked. David sighed, he explained that Milah was out and they believe she kidnapped Henry and Roland.

"WHAT!!! That bitch is going to get it if she touches my son!" Regina shouts as if her hatred for this women wasn't already high enough. "She won't," Emma said speaking for the first time, they all look towards her. "She wants Killian back, Milah most likely blames me for him leaving her. And I'm pretty sure Killian knows that too. Once he finds her and gives himself up the boys with be free."

They tired contacting Killian but will no such luck. Emma was now talking but no emotion in her voice, having a battle deep inside. She wanted the safety of her son like any mother would but then she would lose the man she loves. She also knew Killian wouldn't let her chose him over Henry, something that made her love him even more. In this short time, he had been a father to Henry, having their own little things they did together. It made her heart feel warm but cold as ice at the same time, knowing she would lose one of them.

David and Robin both headed off with the police in search of Milah, Emma wanted to go also but as she was extremely tired and weak from not eating anything the past 12 hours, so they made her stay. Night fell and the men came home, there had been no sign of Killian and the boys, Emma finally broke down in tears and began to think the worse, what if she lost them both. What if Milah didn't let Henry go, what if she did things to him just like she had done to Killian when he was a young boy.

As she sat on the lounge floor with Regina and Snow by her side, knees up to her chest, and tears streaming down her face. There was a knock at the door "I'll get it" Robin said. When Robin opened the door tears of utter joy began, they were there. Both Henry and Roland stand with a police officer, Robin knelt down both boys running into his arms.

The women's ears perked as they heard the boys cries. Before they knew it Henry and Roland were running into there mothers arms, holding on for dear life. Happiness filled the room, both mothers placing kissing on their boys head (which they normal hated) holding them as if they would float away.

While Robin spoke with the officer Henry sniffed back his tears, looking his mum right in the eyes "Killian" He said, his voice sounded heartbroken. He couldn't be dead? Right? Emma just got him back, maybe she finished the job. Emma swallowed hard, not really sure if she wanted to know the truth "Sweetheart, what happened? Where is Killian?"

Flashback - Milah's boat (1 hour early)

Killian lay staring at the ceiling, Milah's fingers circling his chest. It made him sick, made him want it to just end. Maybe it would have been better for him to just die back in that hospital, to just give up. But even if he hard, who knows. Milah may have still wanted revenge on Emma and at least he was here to save Henry.

A hard knock came from the cabin door "Milah! These kids are driving me crazy! Do something about them!" One of her bodyguards, Bill said, Milah sighed "Maybe let them go?" Killian dryly said, she just laughed "But I haven't even had my fun with them yet." Killian got mad, didn't she just want him? There was no way he would let her touch them. He needed a plan, some way to allow the boys to run.

"I can calm them down," He said, Milah scanned his face trying to see what he was up to. "Fine, 5 minutes. If they don't shut up they will get it!" Killian nods and makes his way with Bill close behind to the room Henry and Roland were held up in. Both boys lit up when they saw Killian. He mouthed to the boys "Stay there" they nod. Killian was taking a chance with this, he knew Milah's second bodyguard was off somewhere so taking on one wouldn't be so bad, right?

Spinning on his heel Killian tried to punch Bill, only to get knock down himself "Think your smart don't you!" Bill began punching Killian in the stomach, hover just over him. Killian noticed Bill's gun, hanging inside his jacket. Reaching for the gun and in one swift movement shooting Bill in the chest. Killian didn't really think ahead as Bill body crashed on top of him, pinning him to the ground "RUN! NOW!" Killian shouts to the boys, they were defiantly shaken but did as they are told, running as fast as they can till running into a police officer.

Milah run in utterly pissed. Killian managed to get Bill off him just in time as Milah took out a gun also shooting towards him just missing "I should never have trusted you! All you've ever done is leave me!" She shouts, tears in her eyes. Her eyes became soft, but the gun still up toward Killian. "Milah, you need help." Killian said calmly "I love you! Why can't you love me back!" Milah screamed.

Killian's eyes widen "What?" he didn't know if he heard her right. "I fucking love you, Killian!! But you just keep leaving me!" He didn't understand, why if she love him do all this stuff to him. "And if I can't have you know one can!"


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