Chapter 3

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Author POV

Emma had been living with Simon and Jackie for about 2 weeks, and it was finally time for the school year to start. Emma had become a pro at being the new kid, it had taken her many years to learn that trying to be quiet and unnoticed never worked, you would always end up getting picked on. Normally it didn't bother her though, as she knew that within the year she would most likely be moved.

Jackie and Simon had still been acting all friendly and loving towards Emma, trying to earn her trust fully "Here you go" Jackie said handing Emma her lunch. "Thanks, mum," Emma said giving her a kiss on the cheek, it made her so happy to finally have someone to call mum and dad. "You sure you'll be fine getting there on your own? I can drive you?" Emma shook her head giving a smile and heading off.

As Emma made her way to school she stopped when over the road was her first ever school. She watched as mums and dads walked their children in the front gates just as Ruth had done for her. Emma felt a wet tear trickle down her face. Before wiping it and continuing on her way. Getting closer to the school Emma wounded if David was still in Storybrooke, if so maybe just maybe she would run into him.

Standing at the entrance to the high school, Emma sighed before taking a deep breath and walking into the front office. "Hello, I'm Emma Sw- Booth. I'm new here" Emma said nearly forgetting her new name. "Oh Miss Booth, Jackie's new daughter?" The lady at the desk said with a smile, Emma nodded.

"Okay here is your timetable, you have... English first with Mr. Blake. Just turn right up there and it's 4 doors down on the left." She said pointing Emma in the right direction. Emma thanked her and made her way. She had been a little late, walking in for everyone to stare right at her. She simply walked to the teacher, Mr. Blake she guessed and handed him her student info. "Emma, lovely to meet you, I'm Mr. Blake." He said with a smile which Emma return.

"Okay! Everyone we have a new student this year. Which is very exciting as that nearly never happens" He said with a laugh, some students joining in. "Anyway, this is Miss Emma Booth. Please make her feel welcome. And I'm talking to you MR JONES!" He kindly said but yelling the last part.

In that moment a tall dark hair, piercing blue-eyed boy stood. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, simply navy V-neck top all combined with a leather jacket 'Must be the bad boy' Emma thought but she had to admit he was very easy on the eyes. "And when wouldn't I make a sexy lass like her welcome," he said with a smirk and wink. 'And completely up himself' Emma thought just giving him a glare. "Well right now I would say. now sit down!" Mr. Blake said, the boy just shrugged and slouched back into his seat next to his friends who began whispering about Emma.

"There is a free seat next to Miss Blanchard," Mr. Blake said pointing to a short black haired girl in the front row. Emma took her seat beside the black haired girl, giving a smile "Mary-Margaret, but my friends call me Snow, and this is Ruby" Snow said pointing to the girl on her left. "Emma, nice to meet you."

Throughout the class Emma was trying to force but could feel eyes in her back, the class was nearly over but Emma couldn't stand it anymore. Turning around all the students had there heads down doing the assigned work, all but one! That Jones guy was staring her dead in the eyes with a playful little smirk on his face. Emma just glared at him before huffing and turning back to her work.

Emma's next class was maths and luckily that guy wasn't in it. "Don't worry about Killian." Snow said as they walked to their lockers after maths class "Killian? Weird name! And what is his problem?" Emma asked. Snow shrugged "No one really knows. He went away the summer before high school and came back a completely different person." She said in a sad tone. "Were you close?" Emma asked "Well I wasn't personally close with him but my boyfriends is, well was his best friend. "

Emma just nods not wanting to pry too much "Oh talking about my boyfriend, come, you have to meet him!" She said with a sequel pulling Emma toward the cafetiere. "David! I have someone I want you to meet" Emma froze as a tall dark blonde hair guy walked over to them. "David?" Emma said nearly in a whisper "Umm hey? Do I know you?" David asked confused "David Nolan?" Emma clarified "What? No one has called me that sinc-" David chocked on his words thinking about his mother.

By this point, everyone was staring. Emma didn't want this to be how people saw her on her first day of school but so much emotion had built up. So many years not knowing if David was okay, if he was even alive. Her first and only true friend was standing there in front of her. The person who was meant to be her brother.

Tears crashed on the floor as Emma cried out "She should have lived! She should have been able to raise you, it was all my fault. Ruth was killed because of me!" Emma screamed out collapsing to the floor. Silent, absolute silence filled the room. David stood in shock "David?" Snow quietly said standing by his side.

Slowly David moved closer to Emma, David had been just as Emma, not knowing what happened to her. "Emma?" David said tear of his own now falling. Looking up Emma's bloodshot eyes lock with his as David join her on the ground embracing her. "It's was never your fault, I know mum would never regret fighting for you. She loved you, as much as me." David said.

The pair just sat not talking, just being together again made the world feel a slightly brighter.

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