Chapter 6

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Author POV 

After another hour of waiting, Killian was finally out of sugary and of course Lily and Brennan went in first. A few moments later they come out "He'd like to see you, both" Brennan said dryly. David looked shocked but happily followed Emma to his room. "How are you feeling?" Emma asked taking the seat next to him as David stayed back a little.

"Well legs are going to take time to heal, but everything else is still intact," Killian said with a smirk earning Emma to softly punch him in the arm "Gentlemen right here!" She stated with a little giggle. Killian's eyes then moved to David "Hey" he shyly said "I was here for Emma" David blurts out "Yeah I guessed that, but I just" He paused taking in a breath "Wanted to say I'm sorry. I've taken everything out on the people I care about, even my parents."

Emma sits confused, she really didn't know what had happened. She watched as David come closer "Killian what happened that summer? What changed you?" David said. Killian spoke only one word and that was all David needed to hear "Milah." David drops his head and sighed "Why didn't yo-" He was cut off by a doctor walking in "Sorry visitor hours are over, you can come back tomorrow" The doctor said, Emma and David nod and leave the room.

They hadn't realised how late it was as David drove Emma home. Pulling into her driveway, Emma stopped before getting out "David? Who is Milah?" She shyly asked. She didn't know why she cared so much. Emma had only just meet Killian that day, and truth be told he was an ass to her. "It's not my story to tell, but just promise me one thing." Emma nods "Don't push him to tell you." David said with worry. "I promise"

When Emma walked inside no one was home, walking into the kitchen she saw a note 'Out for tea, leftovers in the fridge. Love Simon & Jackie' Emma sighed, they didn't care. She has been in an accident and they didn't even check up on her. Just then she heard the sound of someone crying. Following the sound Emma found herself standing at the basement door, the one that was always locked but it wasn't. Emma didn't know if she should take a look.

Whenever she asked about it, Jackie and Simon just said they had valuable things down there. But Emma couldn't help but think that was a lie, and this crying sound was making her believe she was right. Slowly opening the door, and descending the stairs Emma notices a figure in a dark corner "Please no more!" a shaky male voice said "I don't want to hurt you" Emma sweetly said.

The figure came out of the dark, revealing a young man naked and busies all over his body. Emma was in too much shock it ever care that this was her first time seeing a fully naked man. "Who...Who are you?" Emma said, her head was reeling. Who the hell where Jackie and Simon! "August" The man said, Emma's eyes widen "Their son!" She shouted a little too loud, causing August to ran over to her holding her mouth shut "Shh they could be back any minute now."

"What is going on here?" Emma whispered "Long story, but please help me." He pleaded with Emma, who without hesitation agreed. "Wait here I'll get you some clothes," She said before running frantically up the stairs into Jackie and Simon room. Coming back down she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Emma? Why do you have my clothes?" Simon asked. Emma swallowed hard her eyes subconsciously looking towards the basement door "She knows!" Jackie shouts "Grab here!" Emma tired running past them but Simon grabbed her shoulder gripping it hard "You're not going anyway!" He spat pulling her down the basement stairs. Emma felt tears fall as Simon began ripping away her clothes and throwing her naked body across the room, making her collided with August.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Simon said smugly before returning upstairs locking the door behind him. Emma cried in the arms of August hoping she was in a dream. Maybe she was? Maybe she hadn't been okay in the crash? Maybe this was all a very bad dream.

The two didn't speak for what felt like hours but had really only been 30 minutes. "Aren't you their son? Why would they do this to you?" Emma asked wiping away her few last tears "Well like you I was adopted, I was only 6 though. And I wasn't the first to be down here, I'm guessing they wanted fresh meat that's why you're here."

Flashback - August 6 years old

"Mr. and Mrs. Booth this is August" Kate the social worker said, "I thought he was older!" Jackie said in a rude tone "No, it said 6 years old on his forms, didn't you look at his picture?" Kate said "I thought he was 16! And we never received one" Jackie said frustrate, Simon sighed "Well all the forms have been sighed, but I understand if don't you want him," Kate said as August held onto her leg.

"No, we will take him." Simon said, Jackie glared at him unhappy. "But by any chance are there any older boys who also need a home?" Simon said "Well yes, a young boy Tim he is 15." Kate said feeling something was off. "Maybe we could adopt him too."

Kate really didn't feel right about this but her boss made her agree, leaving the two boys in Jackie and Simon's care. "How are we going to do this?" Jackie asked looking in the review mirror at August "It will be fine." Simon said. When August and Tim arrived both straight away notice the locked door. Jackie lead August up the stairs to where his room would. But Tim was taken to the locked door. August was too young to understand at that point.

One night when sleeping, August woke to a loud scream. Running toward the noise that was coming from the basement. Jackie had forgot to lock the door as August peaked in. What he saw would forever be etched into his mind. There was Tim naked being beaten and whipped by Jackie, while Simon watch touching himself.

August quickly ran up the stairs scared for his life, grabbed Simon wallet and ran. Ran as far as he could till he got to the bus stop, taking the first one and leaving.

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