Chapter 22

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Please don't hate me :| 

Author POV 

Emma was on cloud nine as their kiss become even more passionate. Hands roaming, tongues battling, hearts racing. But it was interrupted by her phone "Just leave it, love" Killian said nipping at her breast, earning sweet moans from her lips. "Killian, it could be Regina," Emma said through hitched breath, Killian groans at the loss of contact as Emma got out wrapping herself in a robe before answer the call.

"Emma! They're missing! Henry and Roland are missing!" Regina shouts through tears. Emma stood in a state to shock, phone smashing to the ground. Killian shot up instantly, wrapping her in his arms "Emma? What happened? Who was that?" He said concerned, Emma didn't speak so Killian picked up the shattered phone seeing Regina had called. Of course, he quickly put two and two together, knowing something must have happened to Henry.

"Love, you need to get dressed." She just nods, walking into the robe in a zombie-like state. Killian got himself dressed then lead Emma to the car and driving to Regina and Robin's. Pulling up he notices Police cars, he looks towards Emma, her eyes were dark and seemed to be fixated on the Police cars. Coming to her side he unbuckled her seat belt and helped her out of the car. Her legs were like jelly, unable to support her self. Carrying her up the stairs to the apartment she snuggled into this chest, no tears, no emotions, no hope in her eyes.

The apartment door opened to David standing with hazy eyes, he moved allowing Killian to enter into the hallway. In the lounge Regina and Robin sat speaking with police, both with tears falling. Snow came out of the kids' bedroom "Ava and Rose are asleep but still shaken up." she said more to David then Killian. "Sorry, but what happened?" Killian asked, Emma still wrapped in his arms. She was still in a state of shock that she didn't even know where she was or really cared. "Roland and Henry are missing," David said, this voice was broken and sad.

"We're not sure exactly what happened, Regina said they were playing in Roland's room when they heard a scream. Running in both boys were gone." Killian felt his own heartbreaking, tears threatening to fall but he had to be strong for Emma, Regina, and Robin. "Kidnapped?" Killian asked, "We believe so, but the question is who and why." The two officers that had been talking with Regina and Robin appeared in the hall.

"We have noted what's happened and will send a search party out first thing in the morning," He said "What! It might be to bloody late by morning!" Killian shouted. Emma didn't even flinch "Killian, calm down. Okay, guys thank you" David said and the men left. It was going to be a long night, Killian placed Emma on the couch her head in his lap. While Regina sat on Robins' lap in the lounge chair and Snow and David on the second couch.

No one really spoke all night, and no one getting much sleep either. Killian and Robin both wanted to head out and begin looking on their own but David told them right now the best thing was to stay with Emma and Regina. It wasn't like they knew where to look, so they would most likely just end up roaming around the street all night.

When morning came David received a call, taking it in the kitchen. "Killian, can you come here?" He said with dry wavy voice. Killian kissed Emma's head "I'll be back love" she still didn't respond, worrying him even more. She hadn't even shed a tear, just staring out into space. "What's wrong David?" Killian asked nervously, David swallowed hard.

"I think we know who took the boys" He couldn't look Killian in the eyes, they darted around the room uncomfortable "Who David? And why ain't you telling everyone?" There was only one reason David would be telling Killian, and he hoped for Henry and Roland's safety he was wrong. "She.. she.." That was all Killian needed to hear. She was out, it didn't matter how but Milah how somehow escaped the police and was now looking for revenge on the Emma, most likely believing she was the reason Killian wished to leave her.

Killian knew exactly what Milah was capable of, from his own experiences and didn't wish for either Henry or Roland to have the same fate. "She wants me, that's why she's doing this. Bloody hell! All I seem to do is make Emma's life a living hell!" Killian shouts, punching the wall. "Killian ca-" David started trying to calm him down "Don't fucken tell me to calm down! It's all my fault! But damn if I'm going to let her hurt them!"

In a fit of rage Killian stormed out of the apartment. If he knew Milah like he thought he did, he knew exactly where she would be and what she wanted. And if it meant keeping Henry and Roland safe, he would give himself over to her. Surrendering this life to her, if that meant death so be it. If it meant to be her little sex toy, it was a price he was willing to pay.

Coming to the long pier when Milah's yacht sat, there was no sign of life abroad but Milah was on the run so she would be stupid to have lights on. Killian took a deep breath stepping aboard, feeling a shiver run down his spine. He never wanted this, after finding Emma this was the last place he wanted to be. But it was all for her, to get out of her life as all he seemed to do was make it worst.

"You found me" Her voice made him jump, turning seeing her lust filled eyes. "Let them go!" Killian demanded "That would be too easy! If you really wish to save their lives, you better show me how much you love me" Milah said walking over, hands running over his chest. It made him sick in this stomach but pushing past the thought, only thinking of Emma and how lifeless her eyes looked, he was doing this for her.

Pulling her in, lips connecting in a violent kiss. He once used Milah to numb the pain of Emma, but now it just made it worst. Thoughts of their perfect life together spilling away as he carried Milah below into the bedroom cabin, his stomach in knots, tear filling his eyes and thoughts of Emma emotionless as she snuggled against his chest in this mind. He was meant to make love to Emma last night, but here he was having pure emotionless sex with the women who tried kill him and burnt down this apartment.

But it was all for her, for the women he truly loved.

For Emma Swan. 

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