Chapter 18

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Author POV

Meanwhile back at Regina's, it was completely silent, no one knowing what to do. Robin and Regina were a bit confused but it wasn't hard to tell that Emma and Killian had a past and not a good one by the sounds of it. Regina sent the children back into Roland's room but Henry wouldn't go, and she really couldn't tell off another woman's son. So they allowed Henry to sit with them in the lounge room.

He was sitting on David's knee, still not knowing what to say. "David, Why did mum going after that man?" Henry finally asked. David sighed "He's someone from her past, but don't worry about your mummy. Killian will keep her safe okay?" Henry nods then get down returning to the other kids. "So... Wanna fill us in?" Robin asked, he knew it wasn't really their story to tell but he also knew they wouldn't be getting it out of Killian, only reason Robin had found out about Milah was when he accidentally in walked in on it.

And from what he could tell of Emma from the short time he had known her, she seems to be very closed off. Snow and David gave each other a little nod "Okay, but it's not a pretty story" Snow said. "Well if Killian had anything to do with that, I'm not surprised" Regina said, but listens to David and Snow retell the story of Emma being an orphan and how she and David meet, about Jackie and Simon and their abuse towards Emma, about Killian's pasted with Milah, about Emma and Killian most likely being in love but it all crashing down when Emma was once again taken away.

"So that why he went back to Milah? To numb the pain?" Robin asked. David nods "I'm guessing so, he's never dealt with his emotions very well." They all fall back into silence for a little while. There wasn't much they could do but wait for them to return, or at least Emma as Henry was still there. "More wine?" Regina asked. Everyone nods and she along with Snow head to the kitchen. "Small world isn't it," Regina said pouring 4 glasses of red wine, Snow just nods.

"Will she be okay?" Regina asked as they moved back towards the lounge "I really hope so, Emma has been through so much. Hopefully, they can help each other heal." After a few hours, Emma came in the door, tears stung down her face. "Emma! What happened? Where's Killian?" David asked embracing her in his arms. She sniffed back her tears "Killian... She... Help.." Emma said crying unable to string a sentence together. "Come sit, calm down and tell us what happened," David sweetie said leading her to a seat. She finally calms down retelling the events after she found Killian setting in the park.

Flashback - A few hours before

Emma and Killian had been sitting in the silence for about 30 minutes till Killian spoke. "How old is he?" Emma eyes came up meeting his "Your boy?" Killian clarify's "10, and his name Henry" Killian sighed "His father? What was he like?" Emma didn't really like talking about him but as always with Killian she just couldn't stop herself from opening up to him, she hadn't even really talked with David and Snow about him in the past year.

"He was kind, sweet, caring everything you'd want in a husband. And a great father." She paused, not sure if she wanted to talk about meeting him "He saved me, after being taken away the first few months were hell. A few of the kids found out about what Jackie and Simon did and they would tease me. Telling me I was a slut and wanted it. It hurt so much and I missed everyone back home, even you." She gave a weak smile which he returned then continued.

"But it all became too much, I couldn't handle it anymore so I ran. I was going to kill myself but Neal stopped me, giving me hope that life could be better and well for a long time it was. Neal was my everything, the person I loved. But then he was gone, he left me like everyone else." Tears streamed down her face. Killian didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her, which she gladly cuddled into. And just like the first time she felt safe in his arms, after all these years and everything that had happened he was still in her heart, slowly feelings inching their way back to the surface.

Emma sniffed back the tears "But I can't give up, I have Henry to worry about. Shit Henry!" Emma shouts realizing she left him back at Regina's without even thinking about it "Love, It's okay I'm sure he will be fine." Killian reassures her, she nods moving closer in and accidentally hit Killian's rib. He cries out in pain "I'm sorry" he slightly laughs "It's okay love." Emma locks her puffy eyes with his again "Do you love her?" The question shocked Killian a bit, there was some type of love, well he had thought. But seeing Emma made him realize it wasn't, it was just a lust.

"No." He blankly said, "I want it to stop." Emma's eyes widen "Because of me?" Killian shakes his head "She went too far tonight, it's not the first time she's nearly killed me but that was after my father died and she seemed to feel bad after but this time was different. Like she did just want to kill me." Killian said, "Maybe I did!" Came a voice from behind them, they turn to see Milah standing, dark eyes, clenched fist and 2 men standing by her side.

"Now get him." The two men pushed Emma away, hitting the ground with a thud. Killian tries to fight but they knock him out "Killian!" Emma shouts lifting herself off the ground as take him away, Milah giving an evil smirk to Emma before disappearing into the night.

Author Note - Yeah guys if your into smut, got check out my CaptainSwan One shot book ;) First updated coming soon. (24hrs) 

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