Chapter 7

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Author POV - Still flashback - August 6 years old

When the bus stopped August wasn't even sure where he was, he kindly thanked the bus driver and began walking. After a few hours, August heard soft cries, following the sound he came across a baby. The young boy didn't know what to do, holding his hand out the little baby grabbed his finger and began sucking on it.

August smiled, before picking the little baby up noticing her blanket sai, Emma. He walks to the next town as Emma was getting distressed. "Help!" August yelled finally reaching a small town and running with Emma still in hand, to a close by cop. "Whoa, what's wrong little man?" The officer asked "I found her" August said holding Emma up to him.

The officer took both August and Emma at the station, Emma was then taken away, for August to never see her again "What's your name, little man?" The officer asked, "August Booth" he shyly said. "And your family?" August shook his head, not wanting to go back to Jackie and Simon.

After a while of sitting around the officer came back to August but he was not alone. "August! Honey, we were so worried, don't ever do that to mummy again" Jackie said, fake crying as she hugged August "Noo!" August whined. "I don't wanna go back! You'll hurt me just like Tim!" August yelled grabbing the attention of the officer. "What does he mean?"

"He is just overreacting, poor thing isn't mentally all there," Simon said also faking a tear. August was then forced back and time after time, he saw young girls and boys around 15 being used and abused by Jackie and Simon for their own sick twisted pleasure. And on August's 14 birthday it was his turn. This sick life was all he ever knew, never being allowed out. Confined to these same four walls every day.

Present Day

"That baby, that was me." Emma said shocked "What?" August couldn't believe it, she nods. "Thank you" Emma quietly said August looked at her confused "I would have died if it hadn't been for you," she said with a weak smile. "But look were you are now, wouldn't death be better," August said dryly, Emma sighed "How old are you now?" Emma asked. "22," August said. "8 years! You've been down here that long!" Emma shouts.

And in that moment the door flies open to Simon "Shut up! You two better sleep now or I'll come back and teach you a bloody lesson!" He shouts before turned to head back "Why? Why are you doing this!" Emma cries out as August tried to stop her as she runs towards Simon, she goes to push him but he turns smacking her hard on the face. She cries out as he grabs her arm pulling her towards a table.

There are straps attached to the table, he tires Emma's arms and faces her down on the table. "Now listen here, Missy! Let's play a game. You know 'Simon says' right?" He said, when Emma doesn't respond he slaps her bare ass leaving a red mark "Answer when I ask a question!" he demands "Yes" Emma says with a whimper. "Good, so you know the rules. When I tell you to do something you do it!" He states angrily, Emma nods.

"Now Simon says open those legs." Emma flinch's as Simon hand tail down her body to in between her thighs. "NOW!" Simon shouts grabbing her inner thighs forcing her legs open. Tears fall from Emma's now dark and lifeless eyes as she heard the unbuckling of Simon pants. Emma had always dreamt of how she would lose her virginity.

Always hoping she would find someone she truly loved and it to be a special moment. But just like everything else in Emma's life, they were only ever dreams. August could see the pain in her eyes, wanting to help but he also knew if he tried to stop it, Simon would just hurt her more.

Emma screams out in pain as Simon slams into her, she was completely dry and unprepared. "Please! Stop!" She cries out as he began to move. Simon tugs Emma's hair pulling her back towards him. "Shut it!" He shouts moving faster. After he finishes himself off, he releases her hands and throwing her hard on the ground beside August and leaving, locking the basement door as he goes.

Emma and August don't speak, he just holds her as she silently cries in his arms. Still praying this was some fucked up nightmare. But deep down she knew it wasn't, it all felt too real. After hours of crying Emma finally felt sleep overcame her, as August placed a tender kiss on the head whispering "I'm sorry, so sorry."

The next morning Jackie come down "Wake up!" she shouts putting two trays of food down at their feet and heading back upstairs. Emma was famished and began scoffing down the food "Emma, slow down. You will make yourself sick if you eat that fast and will be more hungry." August said pulling her away from the food a bit "But I'm so hungry" she said sadly "I know, but trust me. I know how to survive down here." Emma nods and begins to slowly eat her food.

"August? Will we ever get out of here?" Emma shyly asked, somewhat knowing the answer "I've only ever seen one person leave this room alive. Most would either died from the tortured or kill themselves." He said with no emotion. "Did you ever consider killing yourself?" Emma asked, August nods "obviously never succeeded," He said.

Emma thought for a moment before asking another question "How did they do did? The one that lived?" Emma asked. "I wish I knew, I was only 8 when she escaped. I've played it over and over in my head a million time but I can't figure it out." August said a tear rolled down his face. He had been trapped for so many years without a single friend "Hey, it's okay. We will get out of here, I promise, I know my friends will come looking for me." Emma said with a weak smile, as August berried his head in her bare chest as the tears continued to flow.

'We will get out! We will get out!' Emma keeps telling herself, but she knew she may never see the outside world ever again.

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