Chapter 2

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Author POV 

Simon, Jackie, and Emma finally arrived in Storybrooke pulling up to a beautiful house with a white picket fence, it seemed just about too perfect. "Welcome home," Simon and Jackie said leading Emma inside. "I'll get started on dinner, you show Emma to her bedroom," Simon said to his wife. Emma watched as Simon went to the kitchen, noticing a door with a big lock on it, she slowly moved towards it only to be pulled back by Jackie "Come on sweetheart." Emma nods and follows quietly up the stairs.

Something seemed off, but Emma couldn't put her finger on it. As they walked down the hallway Emma saw a room, that looked as if it was for a boy. "That's August's room," Jackie said as they stood in the doorway "Who's that?" she shyly asked "Oh our son" Jackie blankly said, "Where is he?" Jackie's face became pale, her eyes losing all their colour. "Getting help, August is.. well mentally unstable."

Emma couldn't help to think she was some replacement for him but tried to push the thought back and just be happy she was out of that hell hole. "Anyway come on," Jackie said the colour returning to her cheeks as she went to the door opposite "This will be your room" opening the door Emma couldn't believe her eyes.

The room was painted pink, a big double bed filled most of the room 'I've never had one of those before' she thought, and with the little space left over was a desk with a few books and a built-in wardrobe. "Wow!" was all Emma could say as she placed her bag on the bed. "You like it? We weren't sure on the pink" Jackie nervously said "No no! It's amazing!" Emma ran into Jackie's arms holding her in a tight hug "Thank you mum" Emma said as Jackie placed a little kiss on Emma's head.

Emma was upstairs having a shower while Simon and Jackie finished preparing dinner "Okay the little brat is in the shower, how long do we have to put on this charade." Jackie said annoyed "Well we need her to trust us. You didn't tell her about August I hope, well the truth at least" Simon seriously said "Do you think I'm that stupid! Of course, I lied, she has no idea he is in the basement. Silly girl thinks he's getting help!" Jackie said with an evil laugh. "That's my bad girl!" Simon said with a growl pulling her into for a steamy kiss.

When Emma came down from her shower Simon and Jackie started up there little acted again. "Emma, would you set the table?" Jackie kindly asked "Sure" and Emma happily did as her new mother asked. Normally she hated doing little things like that but it was different now, she wanted to do these things to impress her new parents. "Thank you Em, now I hope you like spaghetti," Simon said.

As they ate Jackie brought up the topic of how Emma had once lived here "So did you have any friends here?" She asked, Emma nodded "Yes, his name was David. He was the only real friend I've ever had" Emma said thinking back to her childhood in Storybrooke. This town seemed to be the only place she had ever been happy. Well at least until that one day Emma will never forget.

Flashback - Emma 6 years old

Emma and David had been friends for about 6 months now and Ruth was like a mother to her. "Come on you two! Dinner time" Ruth called from the kitchen. Emma pretty much lived with Ruth at this point and her foster care family didn't really care, one less mouth to feed and they still got their money for Emma. Which Ruth wasn't very happy about, she was actually thinking of adopting Emma. It wouldn't be easy with her being a single parent but Ruth was determined to fight for her.

She was going to ask Emma and David tonight at dinner. The two friends took their seats and dug right in, Emma loved that she didn't have to fight for food. "Emma dear?" Ruth asked making Emma look up, her face covered with gravy from the roast. Ruth couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness as she cleaned Emma's face.

"How would you like to have a mummy, a mummy who really loves you?" Ruth asked. Emma's eyes widen "I'd love that!" She said with a big smile. "Well, I was hoping you could maybe, if it's okay with David, become my daughter" Emma shot David a look who smiled happily back "I'd get a sister?" David question "If you would want one" Ruth said. Both children jumped up from their seats, embracing each other in a cute hug "Your gonna be my sister!" David shouted.

The battle to adopt Emma had begun and her foster family where no longer happy. "She is ours!" Emma's foster mother shouted at Ruth who was protecting Emma and David behind her. "You only want her for money! You don't love her like I do!" Ruth shouted pushing the children inside the house and closing the door as she whispers to both children "I love you both so much, everything will be okay."

Emma and David sat cuddled up on the ground, it had been 10 minutes of shouting. Till they heard a gunshot and a blood-curdling scream, they both knew that voice too well. Coming out of hiding their world came chasing down. Time slowed as Emma's foster mother was being held back by two of the neighbors, while Ruth lay lifeless on the ground.

"MUMMY!" David screamed out coming to her side, tears flowing. Emma quickly joining his side holding him tightly as the two children watched more people come, one pulling them away as paramedics came to Ruth's side. After hours of crying, Emma and David passed out at the hospital in the arms of their English teacher.

When Emma awoke she was in a car, where was David? Did Ruth live? So many unanswered questions. "Where am I?" she said nearly in a whisper "We are taking you to Boston. To a new foster family." Said the man driving the car. "But Ruth was adopting me!" She said as tears filled her eyes "I'm sorry Emma, Mrs. Nolan didn't make it."

"David! WHERE"S DAVID!" Emma yelled her cries become louder "I don't know, I'm very sorry sweetie but you need to calm down. Everything is going to be okay" But everything wasn't. Her one chance at a happy and loving family was gone.

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