Chapter 15

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Author POV 

Emma sat in the small room she had been given in the house full of teens. It was a massive change from the big beautiful room she had been in only a month before. She felt so guilty for leaving David again, wishing so bad she could tell him where she was but knowing she couldn't take the risk of Killian finding out.

Her heart was broken, she missed him so much but it was all his fault. Everything seemed to go wrong after meeting him. Deep down she knew it wasn't his fault, but she needed to blame someone and he just happened to be a biggest and best part of her life. Maybe she did it because she believed she was worthless or that she was never meant to get her happy ending.

Even with everything that happened to her, the emotional pain was too hard to bare. She needed to feel something, just like Killian. But instead of wanting to numb the pain, she needed to feel the psychical pain. Late one night she quickly slipped out of her room, being careful not to wake the carer of the home. Making her way down the stairs and running, she jumped on a bus and left.

She got off about 6 towns away, needing to get it done before she lost the nerve. She entered what she believed to be an abandoned house, she sets herself down on the hard floor of what seemed to be the lounge room and brought the blade to her wrist. Cutting deeply, feeling the pain flow through her like she was being released. Tears fall when her mind falls to thoughts of August, would death just be better? Better than the constant feeling of being worthless and having no purpose in life.

She moves the blade to her neck "I'm sorry, so sorry" she cries out, taking a breath knowing the last thing she will feel will not be the pain as the blade cuts her neck but the sadness of giving up on love, giving up on her chance of a happy life. But this was it, this was the end. She sighed, pulling the cold metal along, feeling the slight sting as the blade begins to cut into her skin.

"Stop!" Emma's eyes widen, pulling the blade away. Looking up at a man, most likely in his early twenty's. He moves closer coming to sit in front of her, grabbing the blade from her hands. "Death isn't the answer" He kindly said, she shakes her head. "You don't know me! Let go!" She shouts as he puts pressure on her wrists in an attempted to stop the bleeding.

"I may know you better then you think, I've been right where you are. Feeling like the world is coming undone around you. Thinking about what is the point of life, to continue fighting. But that's the thing, you have to keep fighting, because if you don't you may just miss out on the best thing in your life."

Emma sat staring into this strangers eye, he was right. It was as if he was looking into her soul. Uncontrollable tears began falling, she was falling apart all over again. He pulled her in, Emma holding on to him for dear life. "Now we need to get you cleaned up" She nods, as the stranger wipes away her tears, leading her up the stairs. He sits her on the toilet, getting some bandages out of the cabinet.

She finally speak once he is finished "Is this your home?" he nods "I know it looks pretty lifeless right now, but I only bought it a few weeks ago, haven't had much time to make it well, homely" Emma just give a weak smile "Neal Cassidy, by the way," He said holding out his hand, she takes it, being helped to stand. "Emma Swan" she shyly said.

"Well Emma Swan, I'm guessing you're a runaway right?" She nods, "Okay, now who are your parents, they would be wor-" Emma cuts him off "I don't have any, I run away from the system, please! Oh please don't send me back!" She cries out, Neal gives a kind understanding smile. "I think, we both need some sleep"

Neal leads Emma into a spare room, giving her a big shirt of his and leaves her to get some well-needed sleep, which doesn't take long to overcome her. Waking up, Emma smells the sweet scent of bacon, making her way down the stairs she finds Neal in the kitchen fixing up breakfast. He turns around at the sound of her footsteps "Hungry?" he asked "Staving."

They sit at the table in a comfortable silence "Thank you" Emma said, Neal smiles "I couldn't let a sweet girl like you end her life before it even started" Emma looks down "I just hope it gets better" she states "Well I'd be honored to help that become a reality"

Over the next few months Emma felt herself looking at the world in a new light, Neal made it feel like life was worth living again, Killian slowly became a distant memory as she looked forward to her future. A future that starts to look ever so bright with Neal by her side, fighting for her, making her feel safe and loved.

Neal made Emma happy but a little part of her knew no one, even Neal couldn't make her feel the way Killian did, every after all the pain loving him had caused her. But year after year, those thoughts fell deeper and deeper into the back of her mind. And with the birth of their son 'Henry' Emma had finally felt she had a purpose in her life. Promising herself to never, ever let Henry grow up like she did. But for him to be loved and cared for by parents how loved him with all their hearts and soul, and to grow up to one day fall in love and have his own children to love.

Author Note - Please go check out my new book 'Art & love' xx 

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