Chapter 12

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Author POV 

Emma sat listening to Killian's story feeling so sorry for him. He paused taking a deep breath "What happened next?" Emma shyly asked. Killian sighed "Well I don't really wish to get into details and to make a long story short, I gave in into her. Letting her use my body as she pleased, it changed me. And when I came home I became just like her, well not as bad. I just started using girls for sex." Killian said hiding his face.

"She wasn't really a bad person, she just had a fucked up life. Dad never really told me where he found her. But Milah mentioned something about him paying a couple for her, she was abused just like you" Emma stayed silent, worrying Killian "I didn't mean you would turn out like her" He said.

"Oh I know I won't, I was just thinking, how old did you say Milah was when she came into your home?" Emma asked, "14 why?" Killian said, "And how old is she now?" Killian didn't really understand why her age mattered so much but told her anyway "28" Emma sat thinking over and over about August telling her about the girl who got out when he was 8, and he could never figure out how she did it.

"That's it!" Emma shouts jumping out of the bed. "Emma? What's it?" Killian tried reaching out for her "Milah! She was the girl!" Emma said pacing around the room. "Love, your not making sense, sit down and tell me" Killian kindly said, she nods coming back to him. "Jackie and Simon, I think they were the ones that abused Milah. I'm sure of it, Killian we have to help her."

"Are you crazy! That woman can't be helped" Killian said. "We have to try," Emma said with a sweet smile, he agreed "But after both of us are better?" She nods and cuddles back up to him. "Emma" Killian shyly said, she looked up "I'm sorry I couldn't help, these bloody legs stop me from doing everything!" Killian had tears in his eyes "Hey, it's okay I'm here now" Emma said cupping his face.

"You really are something love," Killian said sniffing back his tears. They locked eyes feeling more connected than ever, they had been through so many of the same things. Emma inched closer towards Killian's lips as if she was drawn to him. Everything that had happened in the last week completely disappears as their lips connected in a soft sweet kiss, both feeling sparks through their whole body.

Pulling apart both smiled feeling so safe in each other's arms. Someone cleared their throat, they both look towards the door to see Liam and Lily standing there. "Well, I see you're doing fine," Liam said with a smirk. "Oh great!" Killian said sarcastically. "And what about you dear? Killian was very worried about you," Lilly said to Emma "I'm doing okay, thank you and yourself?" Killian had told Emma a little bit about what happened with Lily and Liam. "I'm fine, umm Killian I wish you'd hadn't found about Liam and I this way," Lily said.

"Well in truth it's pretty fucked up" Lily put her head down in shame "but I just want you to be happy," Killian said with a weak smile. Tears filled Lily's eyes as she gave Killian a hug "So are you going to move home?" He asked Liam, who nods "Good, I've missed you. Umm but please don't do anything while I'm in the house! Or at least warn me, not really the type of thing I wanna walk in on." They all laughed "Deal."

Two weeks later

Killian and Emma had both been released from the hospital but Killian was still on bed rest for at least the next few weeks till he was held. What would happen to Emma was still up in the air as Jackie was getting a life sentence in jail but with her still technically Emma's mother, things had to be settled in court. Jason had promise, David, and Killian, he wouldn't let her fall back into the system and that was a promise he was going to uphold.

Lily had offered Emma to stay with them till everything was sorted out and Emma was more then happy too. Killian didn't mind either as Emma hadn't left his side other than the necessary times. David, Snow, and Ruby would also visit most days after school bringing what they missed in class. Emma could really go back but wasn't ready to face the whole school.

Emma only had one day at school but made a very big impression and in such a small town like Storybrooke, bad news traveled fast meaning everyone heard about what had happened. Killian actual got a lot of cards, flower, and chocolates from girls at school wishing him a quick recovery and Emma even got some as well. Of course, she didn't really know most of the people that gave them to her, but it was nice that people cared, something she wasn't uses too.

Emma and Killian hadn't really talked about the kiss they shared either, neither knowing if it was just a comfit thing or if they wanted more. Emma defiantly didn't want to rush anything, and Killian wanted to be able to take Emma out on the perfect date before they took their relationship any further. They did become very close those, as Emma ended up spending most nights cuddled up to Killian and sleeping on his chest.

They hadn't heard anymore more from Milah after the incident at the hospital, she was right, Brennan was sent to jail, but only for 5 years and with the possibility of getting out early. Jason was still on high alert, him and Lily doubling the security at the house. It was when Killian was able to leave bed that worried them. But as Lily always said, "We will deal with that when it comes."

So much had happened but was the story only just beginning?

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