Chapter 4

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Author Note - I'm writing a few chapter ahead right now, and just thought I better say this story is going to get pretty dark. And some people may not feel comfortable with some of the events in this story. xx

Author POV

As Emma and David stayed embraced on the cafeteria floor. Whisper started, Stroybrooke was a small town and everyone knew of Ruth's passing but only a few knew about Emma. "Seriously stop your gossiping!!" Said a voice from the back of the cafeteria pulling Emma and David from their embrace. Everything was quiet again as Mr. Blake walked in, helping Emma and David up.

He was one of the few people who knew the whole story. He guided Emma, David, and Snow out to his office. "So your Emma Swan?" Mr. Blake asked, she nods. "What happened to you, David?" Emma asked. "Well my father didn't want anything to do with me so I got put in a system for a few years, but it wasn't too bad thanks to Killian's family being my foster family till Sam's mum adopted me"

"Sam?" Emma said confused "Well that would be me," Mr. Blake said giving his brother a pat on the back "And you? what happened?" David asked. "I was taken to Boston and stayed in the system till 2 weeks ago."

Flashback - Emma 6-7 years old

Emma stood with the social worker waiting to meet her new foster family. When the door opened an elderly woman, most likely in her 70's was standing there "Hello Mrs. Fisher, I'd like you to meet Emma Swan." the social worker said. "Well ain't you a pretty thing, come in dear."

Mrs. Betty Fisher was actually a very nice old lady and made Emma feel welcome but as always something went wrong. Emma had been living with Betty about 3 months when she got very sick. It was Emma 7th birthday as she sat on the hospital bed with Betty's son Bill. There was a nurse checking Betty's chart "Well you will be okay, but the doctor believe's you need full-time care" the nurse said.

Bill signed "Okay thank you," He said to the nurse before she left. "Mum, It's time." Bill said with a frown "But what about Emma, if I go into a home they will take her away" Betty said holding Emma tightly in her arms. Betty only had one son who was a very successful businessman and was yet to marry. "Bill, you can take her!" Betty said pleading with her son "Mum I can't, you know that. I'm sorry Emma."

Emma didn't speak and just enjoyed her last moments with Betty "Bill could you get Emma's present out of my bag" Bill did say he was told, bringing a little box over to her "Sweetheart I wish it could be different. But happy birthday." Emma smiled as she opened the box revealing a little swan necklace. "Now it might be a little big, but you will grow into," Betty said placing it around Emma's neck.

Emma smiled placing a kiss on Betty's check "Thank you" she said with a little tear. A few days later Betty was put into a home and Emma moved to a new foster family. And if Emma thought the last few years had been hard she was in for a rude awaking. As from then on Emma never once had a caring foster family. They were all just after money or even worst.

Peasant Day

"I'm so sorry Emma." David said "There was nothing you could do. I'm just happy that you didn't have to go through that." Emma said with a weak smile playing with her necklace. The two friends stayed in Sam's office for the rest of the day simply catching up. David having Sam as his brother was helpful at times like this.

The day had ended and the students could go home, David headed off first as he had football practice and Emma hang around for a little bit not really wishing to see anyone after her little show in the cafeteria. After about 30 minutes she thought it would be safe to head home, she began walking home when a black convertible pulled up beside her.

"Need a lift?" Came an all to familiar smug voice, Emma turns to none other than Killian Jones "Now your going to be a gentleman?" Emma sassed "I'm always a gentleman." He said in the same smug tone. Emma didn't even respond and just continued walking, of course, Killian just kept slowly driving beside her. This went on for about two blocks till Emma gave in.

Without a word she simply opened the door, causing Killian hit the brakes. "So where to Mi'lady?" Killian said with a smirk, "80 Oval drive" Emma said dryly before he drove off. Emma couldn't believe how comfy his car was, she had never been in anything like it. 'His family must be loaded' she thought as the wind blows through her long blonde hair.

Killian notice this, getting somewhat distracted by her beauty "Killian!" Emma screamed. Killian tried to slam the breaks as hard as he could but it was too late. The car collided with the stopped car in front, both airbags releasing and somewhat cushioning the impacted. Killian groaned as a sharp pain ran up his leg. Looking over to Emma, her eyes were fixated on him. "Emma, are you okay?" Killian said in a whisper, she simply nods.

She couldn't speak as she looked at his legs pinned under the wheel. Their eyes did all the talking for them, Emma was giving him soft looks as to calm him hoping he didn't notice his legs. People rushed to the car helping Emma out and sounds of a siren could be heard in the distance. As Emma was being helped Killian noticed his legs pleading with his eyes for Emma to stay. And that she did.

Even though he was completely up himself and full of it. She could tell it was all a front, just like that one she put on for so many years. In that moment Emma felt somewhat connect to Killian as if they were meant to meet for a reason.

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