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11 : 04 pm

"I know you're supposed to be checking on people and stuff but no where it states that you have to barge into my house along with me." I said after seeing that Bruce had literally made himself comfortable in the couch switching the TV on and watching a cooking show.

"You won't even know I'm here." Bruce shushed. There was the Bruce I knew back again.

"Why are you such a two faced bitch?" I asked. He seemed to be taken aback clearly since he switched the TV off and turned towards me.

"Language, Princess Diana."

"Stop calling me that."

"I'm just making sure you're all right. You've had better days than today." He replied taking his jacket off.

"I'm fine. Can you just leave?" I asked. I just wanted to be alone and figure out what had happened throughout the night. My life was about to change and I clearly didn't want to spend my thoughts and time with this person.

"Why? So you can jump again? What if I don't make it this time?" He asked, rather cunningly.

"Bullying is the last thing I need right now okay. Don't act all nosy like you know everything. Go back to being that serious Bruce who didn't care. And leave me alone." I replied storming off to my room.

Seriously what did this guy think of himself?

So what if he's Batman, doesn't mean he gets to invade a person's life. What does he know and why does he not leave me alone? I know when someone's suicidal the last thing you would want is to leave them alone with their thoughts. But there's nothing that can be done. Our emotions and feelings are the only truest thing we have as humans. One should be able to do what they want. All this, was too much for me. They keep telling me that it's the best for me but it's not. What's best for me is to have a normal life away from all this bullshit. I cannot do this. I cannot save the world. I am just an average teenager with problems of my own. And you're telling me I have to save other people from their problems?

Call me selfish but I can't do it. I can't even think of putting others before myself even if it's just for a while.

"Knock, knock." Bruce sighed, sitting at the end of my door.

"Seriously, do you just not get......."

"Before you growl at me like a lion, I brought you food. Eat it when while it's warm. And I am going to spend the night here, whether you like it or not. I'll be downstairs if you need me. Good night." He replied placing a tray in my desk and closing the door behind him.

God this guy.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 : 31 am

"You're still awake?" I asked, seeing Bruce lie sharply at the couch which was too weird to see at a time like 2:00am in the morning. Honestly I had never seen him in a bad state or shape, he was always dressed to kill.

"So are you." He replied.

"No, I must've actually dozed off a while. I came for water. Want one?" I asked.


I handed him a bottle and sat on the other couch watching Bruce. Something was very weird about him. He wasn't your normal handsome, charming, mysterious guy. He was just unpredictable. You think you'd know him after a couple of meetings but you really don't. I know because I've failed at this. And on the other hand he actually knows a lot about the significant other. I guess that is why he's managing the whole team because he actually knows everything.

"You're thinking too much." He sighed.


"I can hear you think." Bruce replied closing the lid of his bottle, crushing it and then aiming for the trash can making a perfect score.

"Being....Batman. Isn't it all too overwhelming for you?" I asked.

"It's what I do, it's who I am. I cannot find it overwhelming not even for a second." He spoke, sitting up straight.

"How can you be so bold about it? Don't you want to live a normal life?" I asked.

Bruce sighed.

"My parents were killed right in front of me when I was 8. From my early childhood I was responsible for everything that took place in my life. A normal life you say? I do not know what normal means. I do not know how a normal life looks like. All you yap about are your problems when they are clearly made worse by you yourself. You have a mother, who would do anything for your sake. You've grown up all these years as a fine young woman and now that you have responsibilities passed down, you get scared? Is that how you are? How you want to be? Always scared and doubting yourself, waiting for others to make the decisions for you so you can always have an easy way out? Life does not work that way. You're alone, you're always alone. At the end of the day, it's just going to be you, not Clark, not your mom, not even me. So why, why are you such an insecure person when you know you're better than that?" He asked.

When they said that conversations get deeper and wiser after 12 am, they really meant it. Seeing this serious side of Bruce made me think, what the hell he must have been through, living and growing up with no one to come home to. That just might've been worse than it sounds.

"I want you to know that things are going to be tough, they're going to be so hard you're going to have sleepless nights, bruised arms, and legs. You're going to hate it and you're going to despise it every minute. But sooner or later you'll see you crave for it even more. You're going to want it each second. You will embrace every pain, every wound, every opportunity you have as this alternate person you've chosen to be and when that comes, it just might be the best feeling in the world. I can assure you that as a fellow team member." He replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Always." Bruce replied. "Now who are you Diana?"

"I'm Wonder Woman." I replied, softly.


"I'm Wonder Woman of The Justice League." I replied loud and clear.

"There you go. It's nice to meet you finally Wonder Woman. We have lot to do." He smirked.

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