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"Master Bruce would you like some tea?" Alfred asked opening the door. I hadn't been feeling so well and Alfred made sure my condition didn't get any worst. On top of that I managed to get little to no sleep at all.

Thoughts of her consumed me, they devoured me.

I guess it is my fault. I made it clear that I didn't want anything to do. It's just weird that a part of me expected her to break through it and tell me that she felt something about me.

This is so unlike me, all this desperation isn't me. What have I become.

"Sure." I answered Alfred.


"A little should do."

"Do I need to ring a doctor for you?" He asked.

"I don't think so. I should be fine. Just need a good night's rest."

"Master Bruce I don't know if this is something you want me to talk about. But is this about Princess Diana?" He asked.

Of course.

Everything seems to revolve around her these days even Alfred caught up before we did.


"Did you find out who leaked those pictures?" Alfred asked.

"It was me."

"You mean....."

"Yes, Alfred. I did that."

"But you said you couldn't track the person......"

"Did you actually believe that I couldn't track a stupid message...." I asked.

"Well I had my doubts but I didn't think you'd........."

"Go to that extent?" I asked finishing his words for him. The thing about Alfred is he never speaks worse of me even when I cause hurricanes and that is something I appreciate a lot.

"Does anyone know?" He asked.

"I'm afraid not. And I don't think it will get out. I don't know why I did that in the first place. I wanted to establish something maybe, now it just seems stupid. This all has been a mistake, a big one." I replied.

"Master Bruce, I've been serving you for years and if there is anything I know it's that you don't do things without a reason. There is always a purpose to the efforts you make, even in this- as weird as it seems. Now I don't know what the thing exactly is but maybe Princess Diana means a lot more to you than you thought she did. Even more than the first time you saw her." Alfred replied putting the tea on the night stand. "Here's an aspirin, should put you to sleep." He left quietly.

I took the aspirin and swallowed it followed by a sip of tea.


Oh, the first time I saw her.

That was a good day.

Same old school, same old teachers,books and teens going through puberty. I honestly felt out of place, I think I always did. I sat outside on the fence just observing people something I've always been somewhat of an expert at.

Enters Diana.

I didn't recognize her at the first glance but she was more captive of hearts than she thought. She had black hair up to her waist that were somewhat tangled and tugged between the bag she carried. And she was talking to someone on her phone.

I couldn't hear what she said but I could mouth the words she spoke.

"I'm going to be fine, no you don't have to talk to the teacher." She said.

By the look of it I was pretty sure she was talking to her parent- her mom in this case.

The tip of her nose was quite red. I thought she had some sort of cold but it was summer, I highly doubted she caught the cold but I learned later that she had allergy to lavender scent and they had those in almost every corner of the school.

Her eyes glowed in hopes of maybe knowing someone or talking to someone. We all know first days of classes are hard.

How I wished I could go talk to her, how I wished I had the courage to stumble onto her life first.

But enters a guy.

"New here?" He asks.

It was Clark.

Clark Kent beat me to it.

And ever since he's kept her away from me.

Funny how a fraction of seconds could change your life, steal you from a moment or maybe from something that could've been the best thing in your life.

Can't help but wonder sometimes what if I had beat Clark to it, what if I had talked to her first?

Where would that have taken us to the present day?

// song :  because of you - lana del rey 

// hope u like the chapter , have a good day <3 

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