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I could hear footsteps approaching. But it was too warm to get up. When was the last time I was welcomed so warmly in bed?

The door opened. I could assume someone was there, just didn't care enough to look who.

"And when did she come here?" A woman's voice asked.

"Around 2am in the morning I believe."

Oh my god.

"MOM?" I got up immediately pushing Bruce aside. I can't believe we had fallen asleep while talking through the night and in the same bed. Oh my god, this is disgusting.

"Good morning Diana." She cleared her throat. Bruce got up fractions of second after stretching his neck. Something tells me he did not have a good sleep as he was practically sleeping on my hand while I had his chest as a pillow.

"How did you find me here? What are you doing here?" I asked getting up.

"If my daughter's home is empty what do you expect me to do? Also how many times have I asked you to throw those pajamas? They look like trash bags." She snorted.

"The only thing that looks like a trash bag is your hair." I replied causing my mom to have an overly dramatic gasp. Nobody insults my favorite pajamas.

"Diana....." Bruce muttered.

"Alfred please get my car ready. I'm taking my good for nothing daughter for Breakfast. I have a bag of clothes downstairs, go change." She gave me a wicked eye and left the room.

"Your mother can be pretty scary." Mr. Alfred who was sitting in the corner said, excusing himself.

"She didn't even talk to me. I'm so dead." Bruce replied collapsing back to the bed. I grabbed his legs pulling it ahead causing him to fall down from the bed with a thud.

"What............what the hell are you doing?"

"How could you get into the same bed as me? You could've slept in the couch!" I yelled.

"Excuse me?" He asked getting up. "Whose house are you in?"

"That's not the point. What I meant was......"

"Whose house are you in?" He asked stepping forward, a bit pissed I believe.

"Your house."

"Whose room are you in?"

"Bruce, we don't have to do this."

"I asked you something." Bruce replied taking another step towards me.

"Your room." I replied, taking a step back.

"Now whose bed are you in?"



"Your bed." I sighed.

"Now what was it that you said before?" He asked.

"That you look very handsome." I replied. Seriously? That's the best I could come up with.

"I always do." He replied flicking me on the forehead.


"Are you upset with Bruce?" I asked trying to force feed myself some broccoli. I was warned to eat healthier so I was doing that, in front of my mother at least.

"I'm not upset. I just expected more of him." She cleared her throat drinking some red wine. Who drinks wine in the morning?

"No, we did nothing okay? I was feeling real terrible last night and I needed to be with a friend. Megan was out so he was all I had." I replied.

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