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"Are you all right?" Clark asked. We were hanging out at my home after classes. I thought it would be nice to spend time with him and actually forget about things but I was wrong.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked clearing my throat.

"You've stopped changing channels for a while. We've been watching Teletubbies for a while now." He replied.

Oh god. I quickly picked up the remote and changed the channel. How could I be so lost? Get a grip Diana, you can't be like this.

"I'm sorry I just..."

"What are you thinking about tell me? You haven't been the same person for a while. It's been this way since you met the counselor. Is everything all right?" Clark asked.

Is everything all right?

Is anything ever all right in my life?

You don't want to turn that page.


"I can tell when you lie Diana, okay? If there's something bothering you I should know that at least. It's going to feel a lot lighter there once you get it out in the open." He said pointing at my heart.

"Look it's no big deal okay. I just met with that Bruce guy and he...he just gives me the creeps." I replied.

"Bruce........you met him? Why?" Clark asked with a serious face. As if he didn't like the idea of me meeting with Bruce.

"He was there and we just talked randomly. It's no big deal I just never knew of him and it's all overwhelming all of a sudden." I replied with a sigh.

"Stay away from him."


"Trust me, the far the better, do you understand?" He asked.

"I will, what do you know about him?" I asked, he definitely looked dead serious as if they had a past or something. Clark was a quiet guy he wouldn't fight anyone he kept things to himself so I don't think the two of them ever fought or anything it would just be weird.

"I know enough." He said switching the TV off. He seemed to be pissed already which was weird because for Clark to be pissed with something actually took a lot of time. He was the most patient and calm person I had ever met. Seeing him like this actually made me want to ask Bruce about them because Clark would never tell I know.

"Do you want to go somewhere to dinner for tonight? You can stay at mine's later if you want." Clark said with a smile. I loved him. He was the man of my dreams right there.

"I'd like that." I replied.

"I'll pick you at 8. I actually have to go to a friend's right now so see you later?" He asked kissing me on the lips.

"Sure." I smiled back.


After Clark had gone, I took a long shower. I felt much better afterwards and wanted to have a fresh start again. Maybe a night out with Clark would help me feel much better. I needed this.

I decided to get a soda when the answering machine beeped. I guess someone had left a message.


Ugh I wasn't going to call her. She probably wants me to come over at hers for dinner or tell me something to do about my hair. I didn't need that for today.

"Better get a so........OH MY GOD" I screamed throwing the can in the ground, breaking it making the drink spill all over the place.

"Oh god I scared you." Bruce replied with a smirk. What was he doing here? When did he get in?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked pushing him backwards.

"You should really call your mom when she asks you too." He said folding his arms.

"How did you even get inside......what are you......are you here for.....I should call the police....."

Before I could turn back he held me by the arm dragging me near him.

"Are you actually afraid of me?" He asked, weirdly.

"Let me go." I demanded. And he did, he actually did.

"We have to go somewhere get ready." He said looking at his watch.


"I was here to pick you up. We need to go somewhere."

"I am not going anywhere with you." I replied making sure he got my point.

"Well then I guess I have no other option than to drug you and take you..."

What is he even?

"I'm kidding Diana geez. Also we're being late so could you just change already?" He asked.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll know when you get there. Now go change. Your mom hates waiting." He replied getting out.

Ugh I can't believe this. I cannot believe I was ditching Clark again for some stupid reason my mom had.

I decided to leave him a text.

Diana :


"You don't have to feel bad about Clark, I'm sure he will understand." Bruce replied clearing his throat.

"You don't even know the first thing about Clark okay, why don't you just keep it shut." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Oh princess I know him quite more than you do. And I already feel sorry for you." He replied laughing.


"You'll know soon." 

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