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I woke up grabbing the bed side pillow possibly as hard as I could. That was horrible.

That was just a horrible dream.

Bruce kissing me in that terrace and then there's me not even hesitating a bit about it? God, that's just disgusting. I mean it has just been a month since Clark and I broke up or has it been more? Damn I don't even know the exact time span. Everything right now has been so overwhelming that I haven't been able to grieve about my heartbreak. But that is a good thing I guess- moving on from things, people. I guess sometimes all you need are a list of things to do and good company.

I got out of bed and headed downstairs. Thankfully I had a day off today which would mean catching up all my school works and college applications and all that boring stuff. Ever since I've started working with the team you have no idea how much I appreciate a day off. But I hate it when I have leftover work, it's hell. It's just going through hell if you ask me.



"Oh my god, all this work, do these ever end?" Barry growled from the edge of his seat stretching his arms. I could totally relate to him I mean we all were here since almost three hours now? We were trying to finish paperwork regarding our previous cases and research. Talk about a fun Sunday.

"I can't believe I'm missing a football game for this." Hal spoke pinning few files on the folder and putting it at one edge of the shelf.

"Football game? I'm missing a date here. Do you have any idea how long I've been single? Over a year now!" John replied. I had never seen him this irritated and it was funny to see them ramble like that. Anything is actually more fun than doing school work if you ask me.

"What are you smiling about?" Bruce asked. I had no idea he was noticing me all the time. In fact I didn't even know he had his question directed to me.

"Nothing. It's just....well I had nothing interesting to do today except for due school assignments. I'm actually.....happy to be here." I replied.

"That's just cute." Barry laughed.

"High school huh?" John asked. He was actually the oldest out of all of us.

"I'm going to get some more coffee, guess we all could use a refill." John said getting up.

"Make it a decaf for me." Hal asked.

"Are you behind on school? You could ask for help you know?" Bruce asked.

Yes, well of course I could. But I didn't want to. Not especially after that dream last night. I was trying my best to avoid him today, wasn't happening as I thought it would.

"It's okay, I'll be fine." I replied coughing.

"You know what we all should do? We should go to a bar after we're done with this. I guess all of us could use the relaxing." Hal suggested.

"Yeah that isn't happening." Clark said removing his headphones. He had been working on his laptop for quite a while now. "I've finished encrypting, is there anything more?" He asked.

"Nope, you can leave." Bruce replied, in a rather cunning way. They were just cold to each other I didn't know why. Clark closed the laptop and walked out without even a goodbye.

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