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"You look different with hair up like that today." Clark said leaning over to my side as we walked across the hallway. I didn't see him coming neither did I know he was around.

"Whatever." I replied dodging off his words.

"I'm serious, you look very pretty. Should tie it up more like that." He kept on talking.

"Ugh...what is it that you want?" I asked trying to walk faster.

"Hm..Since you asked how about forgiveness, a smile and a date for later maybe?" Clark asked.

"Well let me think no, no and definitely not." I answered. Especially after how cold he was to me in the past few days? Even I have some self respect.

"Diana have some mercy on me, please. We can make this work." He pleaded literally.

"Do you just want me to take this matter to Bruce and have you suspended from the team for a while? You're making me uncomfortable everywhere." I said. It was harsh I know but it was the truth. And of course I wouldn't say anything to Bruce about any of this, it would seem like the two of us had formed some kind of an alliance.

"What?" He asked clearly not being able to process the information I poured over him. He didn't like Bruce so of course I took the opportunity to rub it in his face. He definitely didn't like it, I could tell by the way his expression changed.

"Well, let me know if you change your mind." Clark said at last and walked up ahead. Clearly he seemed hurt, it wasn't my aim to hurt him it just happened.


3:00 PM

"I think you're going to have a bruised knee for a while." Mr. Alfred or Alfred as he insisted to be called said after taping some stuffs to my knee. It was so weird with him around like that since I would see him at school and he would help me with problems hell I even cried in front of him plenty of times. He doesn't seem to mind any of it though well at least not in front of me.

"Well I didn't break any bones though did I?" I asked. People here got crazy hurt when going through trainings for instance once Barry crashed into a pole or something and he dislocated one of his hand and I think I literally saw the bone pop out of his hand, it was just terrifying to a whole new level I think I didn't sleep that night. Bruce however claimed that he had seen much worse. Of course I didn't question his statement. He had obviously seen worse things than any of us ever will.

"The scans should come in a while. Please rest. I am going to go inform Master Bruce. I'm sure he'd want to be informed." Mr. Alfred continued.

"Actually can you not do that? I don't want to disturb him in the middle of work. I can actually go home and rest, it's been a long day." I asked hoping he'd agree and let me go. Last thing I wanted was for Bruce to see me like this, it wasn't a good view.

"If any of the league members face an injury it's my prime duty to inform Master Bruce. He is in charge of making sure everyone is in good state, I'm sorry Diana I have to inform him. Do not worry, he will take care of you." He said, leaving the room closing the door softly behind me.

That was what I was afraid of, that he was going to take care of me.

much later . . . .

"I heard what happened....are you all right?" He asked pushing the door as hard as he could. I'm pretty sure one of the locks popped out I could see a screw roll over to the other end. Bruce was here, concern was all over his face I could just feel my heart warm.

"I don't know my leg feels stiff. Mr. Alfred said it wasn't that bad we were waiting for the scans." I replied.

"Alfred, get me the scans...now." He asked. Mr. Alfred left the room as soon as he heard the tone of his voice.

"Was it a pretty big fall? How could Renee be so careless I told her to look after you.."

"It wasn't her fault...." I replied defending her. "I just....I don't know it just happened so fast I don't know what happened." I sighed.

Mr. Alfred handed the scan over to Bruce who took it immediately and placed it on some light box which showed my knee joints and bones. It looked pretty fine to me but Bruce was just observing it so much that his silence started making me nervous.

"What is it? Did I crack something....Can I not walk anymore....? Will I die?" Questions just didn't stop there, I was too afraid.

"No, dummy. Nothing big happened." He laughed turning the light off. "You're going to be fine."

"Why did you stay quiet for so long what is wrong with you do you have any idea how much anxious that made me?" I asked slapping his shoulder. He laughed in sort of a cute way. I noticed that he isn't someone who laughs a lot just gives random smile and smirks once in a while but when he laughed it was just beautiful.

"You got me worried sick. Don't you ever do that to me again." Bruce said keeping his hand on my cheek.


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